"i love you" - natasha romanoff

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Natasha's hand caressed your inner thigh as you laid under the stars.

Your head was placed in the crook of her neck with your arms snuggled around her waist and your right leg was held over her legs by her left arm as her right arm began to lovingly rub up and down your back.

She moved her arm up towards your hair and started massaging your scalp.

It was pure euphoria. You closed your eyes and moved closer to her, as if you wasn't already close enough.

You've never felt so happy or content with someone.

It was a moment that made you appreciate everything you went through and had to deal with as a couple in a world where you and your girlfriend were a part of the Avengers.

She moved some hair covering your ear to the side and lightly placed a kiss on your earlobe.

"Y/N.." Natasha whispered.

You giggle as her breath flew over your ear and positioned your head to where you could look in her unforgettably mesmerizing green eyes. "Yes Nat?"

"I have something to tell you. Wanna know?"


"Okay, but first let's get up."


She stood up and dusted herself off before grabbing your hand and pulling you up after her, helping you dust off as well.

She moved your body in front of her and placed her soft hands on your cheeks, staring into your eyes, causing you to smile and blush from the intensity.

She chuckled at your reaction. "You're so cute." Natasha said.

You were in a trance as you continued to stare into each other's soul, but you didn't forget why you were standing in the first place.

"So... what do you want to tell me?"

"Oh yeah!" She laughed and put her head down before taking in a deep breath.

"I love you."

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now