imperfect - natasha romanoff

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Natasha's lips glided across yours, smooth and controlled. She took you in her arms and held you firmly, but not enough to hurt you. Her tongue flickered across your bottom lip, velvety and warm, leaving a fiery tingle burning in its wake. You shivered with pleasure and parted your lips just enough to let her tongue slip past.

Her manner was slow and passionate, taking the time tou explore every crevice of your mouth meanwhile still holding onto you firmly. You moaned against her lips and subconsciously pressed your bodies closer.

When you broke apart, a string of glistening saliva remained connecting your lips. Natasha and you made eye contact; hers shone with love and desperation, anguish and adoration. You returned her gaze, begging her to continue.

The string was broken but not before she could attach her lips to your neck, planting small kisses and bites on the sensitive skin. You tilted your head back to make things more accessible and felt your breath hitch as she nipped near your collarbone. You drew in a shaky and pleasureful breath while her tongue expertly licked its way down your neck.

Once more, she captured your lips in a kiss and pushed you gently down onto the bed, straddling you while her hands cupped your cheeks and smoothed your hair.

It was perfect. And yet imperfect. But that's what made it so special. Raw and real and utterly imperfect.

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