she misses you so much - natasha romanoff

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"Come on, sweetheart. Hold my hand, okay?" Natasha asked your three-year-old daughter as she unbuckled her seatbelt and got her out of the car seat to walk across the street.

Natasha's heart was already sinking in her chest, every step that she took one step closer to you. But it wasn't exactly you that she and your daughter will be seeing and the thought is soul-crushing.

In one hand, she holds your daughter's small hands while in her other she holds your favorite flowers.


Every time she sees one of them, she always thinks back to how much you loved them. How you loved the way they smelled, the beautiful color that they are, and the sparkle in your eyes that would appear every time she gave you one - because they were always so much more beautiful and special coming from her.

She knelt down on the grass and cracked a small smile as she noticed that there were some flowers and sweet decorations on your gravestone already.

It's your birthday and it seems like Natasha and your daughter aren't the only ones that have paid you a visit today and the thought warmed her otherwise broken heart, knowing that you've been shown lots of love today.

Probably by her and yours teammates, your family.
The Avengers.

It's a hard day, a very sad one for Natasha and your loved ones. It always is, even three years later. Because no matter what happens, no matter how much time passes, her heart still hasn't healed fully and every day she spends without you, she's left wondering if it ever will.

She hasn't been here since you were laid to rest, three years ago.

She stared at your little girl, your little twin. She pulled her down onto her lap and stared at your gravestone together.

"Mommy?" The small girl asked, pointing to your name as she looked at Natasha.

"Yeah. It's your mommy." She smiled sadly. "She was such an amazing person. She was always so selfless and kind. She had a way of making everyone laugh but most importantly making me laugh no matter what I was going through. We spent a lot of years together, loving each more and more every single day."

She let out a heavy sigh and closed her eyes as she began to fall apart a little.

"We knew from very early on in our relationship that we wanted a family someday. I've always wanted to have a family with her. When we got married, we knew it was time for that. We dreamt of having a little one every day, specifically a little girl."


"Yeah." Natasha giggled. "Oh, we were so happy the day we found out that we were going to have our little family. Then we found out we were having a girl and we cried together. We made everything so special for you. Even Auntie Yelena was so happy. Then, the day you came into the world, some things went wrong and your mommy... the angels came for her... she's up in the sky, now."

She's never told your daughter the story. She was afraid she wasn't ready. But today, the words were just falling from her lips and she couldn't stop them; much like the tears falling down her cheeks.

"I know you don't remember her but as you get older, I'll pass some of her favorite things down to you and I'll tell you all about her. I'll show you all the photos and videos of her. She was amazing and I have a feeling that you're going to be like her. You already look so much like mommy."

Your little girl turned back to look at Natasha, with two little braids in her Y/H/C and tears in her green eyes as she sniffled.

"I know, honey." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around the little girl, who felt so emotional hearing all about you.

"It's hard, I know. But I know she's so proud of the person that you're becoming. I know she loves you... she loves us. So much."

Natasha touched your little girl's braids and kissed her forehead.

"It's her birthday today. I got her these flowers. They were her favorite. Do you want to put them down?"

Your daughter nodded and Natasha carefully gave her the flowers, watching as she gently placed them on your grave.

"She's going to love them even more now," Natasha promised as she kissed your daughter's head. Your little girl turned back around, her small hands falling to Natasha's cheeks, wiping away her mom's tears as they fell.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She sniffled before hugging your daughter tightly.

"I hope you're looking down on us, Y/N. I hope you're happy, flying high as you deserve. I hope you know how much we miss you, how much we love you. I'll always keep your memory alive. I'll always carry you in my heart and I know our little girl will too." Natasha whispered as she stared at your gravestone, your daughter still in her arms.

Suddenly, the grey sky lit up a little as the sun came out and Natasha smiled through her tears.

"I'll never forget you. I'll never forget how brave you are, how you hung on to bring our little girl into the world. I'll never be able to thank you enough for that. Because she reminds me so much of you and she's my whole world. I know she would be the center of your universe if you were still here." She let out a shaky breath, biting at her lip.

"I won't go another three years without seeing you, that I swear to you. I'll be back so soon and I'll make sure that our little girl knows just how incredible you were. I'll never stop loving you."

Your daughter pulled away from the hug and Natasha wiped away the rest of the tears on her cheeks.

"How about we come back next week and see mommy again?"

"Okay!" Your daughter said and Natasha sniffled before standing up.

"I love you." She whispered, kissing her hand before putting it on your grave as if she was giving you a kiss.

Your daughter repeated her words and actions and Natasha almost began to sob again, but somehow managed to pull herself together.

"Happy birthday, my love." She sniffled. "I hope you love the flowers. We miss you and we'll see you very soon."

She took your little girl's hand and walked back to the car, where she let a few more tears fall before driving home, missing you so much.

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