pregnant - natasha romanoff

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(I don't really like this but oh well)

Natasha stopped the car in front of her parents house and looked at you. You traveled from NYC to Saint-Petersburg in Russia to visit Natasha's family.

"You ready?" she asked as she placed her hand on your thigh.

"You mean am I ready to get pampered and spoiled silly by your parents? Fuck yes." you scoffed.

She laughed and nodded as she got out of the car, shutting the door as you undid your seat belt.

Ever since you told Natasha's parents and her sister  that you were expecting, they'd doted on you non-stop. Especially Melina.

Even before you were showing, you were subject to relaxation and absolutely no helping with meals or cleaning up whilst you were at their house. And you had to admit, you liked it that way.

Now that doting attitude was needed more than ever, considering that with a month to go, your bump was so out there that you couldn't even see your own feet anymore.

The car door opened and Natasha extended a hand to you. You took it and puffed out as she pulled you out of the car.

"Oof, you're heavy." she teased. You gasped and lightly slapped her shoulder, making her laugh.

"Wait until I tell your mother that you said that." you nodded. She smirked and kissed your head, her hand on your lower back walking you up the path.

The door opened, making you smile at Melina as she appeared.

"Y/N, hey! How are you feeling?" she smiled at you as you hugged.

"I feel very fat, and just about ready to give birth."  you joked, making her and Natasha laugh as you moved into the house.

"I know that there's only a month left, but don't wish the time away. As soon as the baby is here, you'll miss being pregnant." she nodded.

"So I've been told." you smiled. She returned it as you all headed into the living room.

"So, any new baby news?" Yelena asked as you all sat around Natasha's parents living room. Natasha and you looked at each other.

"You want to tell them?" you smiled, hands resting on your bump as Natasha gently rubbed your feet that were on her lap.

"Tell us what? Is the baby okay?" Melina gulped.

"Baby is fine, mom, don't worry. The news is that she finally has a name." Natasha admitted.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Tell us." Yelena urged.

"Cedryna Yelena Romanoff ." she nodded.

"Aw, that's a lovely name! Right Yelena?" Melina smiled.

"It really is. God, I'm even more excited to meet her now!" Yelena squealed, making Natasha and you chuckle.

"Trust me, so are we." you smiled. Natasha returned it and bit her lip as she put her hand on your knee.

{One and a half month later}

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now