sick - natasha romanoff

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To begin with, it was just like every other morning. You woke up in Natasha's arms, both of you swaddled in blankets as a warm orange glow beamed through the gap in the curtains. Your alarm hadn't gone off yet, so you closed your eyes again with a contented sigh, intending to make the most of your last few moments in bed.

But then Natasha awoke with a weak cough and a strained groan, causing you to sit up suddently, both confused and concerned. You rested your hand on her forehead for a second and, sure enough, she was burning up with a sudden fever.

"I thought you never get sick.." you said, already swinging your legs over the edge of the mattress to fetch some medicine.

"So did I," Natasha croaked, rubbing her temples in defeat as you cooed sympathetically, jogging out of the room.

Within a minute, you were back, carrying a box of ibuprofen and several bottles of water. Setting them aside, you clutched her arm, tugging it gently.

"C'mon, baby, you gotta get up," you insisted. Still, Natasha didn't move. She curled her legs up and gave you her best puppy eyes, feebly reaching out to grab at your hand.

"Don't wanna," she mumbled, "gimme cuddles."

Your heart melted at the sight of your sick girlfriend. Despite her somewhat tough and stern appearance, she was an absolute softie, especially with you. But while you wanted to give in to her, you managed to stand your ground, firmly shaking your head.

"Nat, you're sick."

"And cuddles will make me better, I swear."

You raised your eyebrows at her questionable argument and she groaned once again, slowly sitting up and leaning against the headboard. After she'd reluctantly swallowed two pills and drowned almost an entire water bottle, you finally let her off the hook a little, helping her to lay down again.

"Get some more slepp, okay?" you sighed, cautiously placing a kiss to her forehead. "I'll tell Steve and Wanda that you can't train with them for a few days. And then I'm going to make you some chicken noodle soup."

"Let me help, baby," Natasha responded, even though she was clearly in no state to do anything at all. Her eyes had fluttered closed before she'd even finished speaking, and you chuckled as she began to snore quietly. Even though she was slightly flushed, her hair matted and damp, her lips parted as she slept, she was still adorable.

While she rested, you tried to go about your business as normal. You ate breakfast, worked out, even spent a little time with Bucky and Wanda. But your mind kept drifting back to Natasha, so before long, you decided to just make the soup and spend the rest of the day with her.

When you returned, she was propped up in bed, sipping from another water bottle. Her eyes lit up as she saw you and, once again, she reached for your hand, wanting you to lay with her.

"Careful," you giggled as she accidentlly swatted the bowl that you were carrying. To avoid any spillages, you placed a pillow over her lap and quickly set the soup in front of her.

Although she was sick, Natasha's appetite hadn't taken a hit - she ate everything with gusto, humming in satisfaction at the taste of your cooking. Once she'd finished, she smiled lazily at you.

"Thank you," she spoke appreciatively, scooting a little closer to where you were sitting at the foot of the bed.

"What for?" you asked. You knew she was talking about the soup but still - you wanted her to know that she didn't have to thank you, that you just wanted to look after her, to love her.

"For everything," Natasha murmured, catching you off guard. "I don't say it enough, but I really appreciate everything you do for me. Even just the little things, like... like when you patch up my cuts and bruises after a mission, or when you stay up with me if I can't sleep. I couldn't ask for anyone better thank you, Y/N, I love you. So much."

You practically swooned as you crawled over to wrap your arms around Natasha's neck. She tilted her head to kiss you properly for the first time that day, and you found yourself not caring that she was sick. Soon, one kiss turned into a somewhat sleppy make-out session, which then turned into something entirely.

Yes, you woke up sick the next day.

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now