let me take your pain away - natasha romanoff

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You've always been pretty lonely since you were just a child

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You've always been pretty lonely since you were just a child. You grew up in the system since the death of your parents at only six years old, you traveled from foster families to foster families.

You couldn't even remember how or when your parents died. Maybe they died from a disease? But don't remember seeing them sick. Or maybe they had an car accident? But your parents didn't own a car.

The families that were kind enough to take you in always ended up bringing you back into the system because of your hidden powers. They were afraid of you and you couldn't blame them because you were to, scared of yourself.

So when you were old enough to take care of yourself, you finally left. Living in the shadows for years, with no family, no friends.

You were sure no one knew your existence anymore, and you wanted it to be that way. Moving from apartment to apartment each month since you were nineteen. Never going food shopping more then three times in the same store.

Your powers made their apparences only when you were feeling extremely sad and that was fine by you. No one around to scare or hurt.

It was a lonely life but you could spend your days reading books, only that made you content. You were only 23 and you knew you would spend your life hidden, living in the shadows, moving apartments every month, reading books and daydreaming about what your life could have been without these powers, and it was fine by you as long as no one could be hurt.

But that's what you thought.

A big black hoodie on your body, your face hidden by the big hood, you were running to your new apartment. A bag of sandwiches and apples in hand, the rain was becoming a bit too violent for you to stay under.

You arrived to your apartment after running for 10 minutes and falling almost 5 times. A strange feeling planted in the pit of your stomach appeared as soon as you stepped in your home.

Your Y/E/C eyes now purple wandered your living room, when you turned around to face the open kitchen you finally saw him.

A big man his back facing you, hairless with a big black leather coat was standing there, in your kitchen, your apartment, your safe place.

You spent 5 years of your life living hidden, making sure nobody knew who you were, hiding your powers like a deadly disease to have-

"I thought you would never come back." The stranger said, disturbing your thoughts.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" You asked, your voice shaking.

You heard him laugh before he turned around, facing you, a patch against one of his eyes.

"Nick Fury director of SHIELD. I've been keeping an eye on you since..." He stopped, making gestures with his hands. "You know. Since you killed your parents."

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