hard day - natasha romanoff

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You weren't having a good day. At all.

First, you'd dropped a glass in the kitchen and the sharp fragments of glass cut into your hand when you tried to clean it up. As if that wasn't bad enough, it was pretty early in the morning, meaning that the other Avengers had been woken up by the noise and were quite annoyed at you.

Then you realised that you'd run out of your favourite cereal. You figured that it would probably be a good idea to stay out of everyone's way for a while, so you walked to the store... only to find that the product you wanted was out of stock.

After a frustrating morning, you decided that you should go for a run, which always helped you to relax. But clearly, that was too much to ask - you slipped and hurt your ankle, which made the walk back to the compound more difficult than you'd bargained for.

All you wanted was to sit on the couch and watch TV by yourself until you felt better, though you might've known that your plan obviously wouldn't work out.

As you walked into the living room, Tony and Steve appeared to be waiting for you, both with their arms crossed. You were aware of Natasha standing awkwardly in the background, who watched silently as your teammates began to speak.

"Glad you've finally decided to join us, Y/N."
Tony rolled his eyes sarcastically and you stared at him in confusion before coming to your senses and gasping.

You'd forgotten about the debriefing, and a quick glance at the time told you that you'd completely missed it. "Shit, I'm so sorry, I honestly didn't mean to. It completely slipped my mind."

"Really?" Steve raised an eyebrow at you.

"Because it's not the first time you've let us down, Y/N, and I'm willing to bet that it won't be the last."
You opened your mouth to protest and apologise repeatedly, but Tony cut you off.

"Look, Y/N, it's simple. We all want you here, but as an Avenger, you're replaceable." Your eyes filled with tears as his words sunk in. "If you don't want to be a part of this anymore, you know where the door is."
Tony and Steve both turned away from you, obviously done with the conversation.

You could feel Natasha's eyes on you as your tears began to spill, so you quickly turned away and ran to your room, closing the door behind you before curling up into a ball on the floor.

As sobs shook your body, it was becoming increasingly difficult to breathe. Your hands were shaking and you knew it was too late to stop the panic attack that you were about to suffer.

Still, you blocked everything else out and tried to focus on getting your heart rate back to normal.

Meanwhile, outside the room, another argument was just beginning as Natasha approached Tony.

Although nobody knew it, Natasha thought the world of you and she hated it whenever somebody else upset you, so naturally she wanted to defend you.

"Hey, you were way too hard on her. Whatever happened today, I'm sure it wasn't her fault."

Tony sniggered. "Yeah, you have a lot of experience with choosing the wrong side."

Natasha's eyes narrowed for a second, but she looked regretful as she sighed, knowing what Tony was referring to.

She ignored the comment, turning the conversation back around. "This isn't about me. Y/N is one of the best members of your team and she would happily lay down her life for you, and you too, Steve. She needs us, and I... I mean, we, need her."

Steve looked at his best friend, smirking at the small slip up. Before anybody had a chance to make fun of her for accidentally revealing a little too much about the way she felt towards you, Natasha walked off.

From the corner of your room, you heard a small knock on the door. When you didn't respond, it opened slowly and Natasha stepped inside. Without speaking, she lowered herself on to the floor and sat beside you.

Recognising that you didn't want to talk, she simply wrapped her arms around you. You felt somewhat comforted and leaned your head against her shoulder.

"Remember when we took a walk in the park and those ducks tried to chase me? And you were laughing so hard you couldn't even stand up, so I picked you up and carried you away because some kids were making fun of me?" Natasha tried to distract you with some of your fondest memories, which seemed to be working.

You were calming down and let out a small, tearful giggle as you remembered how hilarious that day was.

For another ten minutes, Natasha continued to comfort you until she was confident that you were feeling almost back to normal.

When you finally turned to look at her, you found that your faces were just inches apart. Your heartbeat sped up again, but this time it definitely wasn't a bad thing.

As Natasha gave you a soft smile, you couldn't help yourself. You leaned towards her and lightly kissed her on the cheek, causing her to blush adorably.

After a few seconds, she gently lifted your chin up and kissed you properly. Her lips were warm and soft as they moved against yours and by the time she pulled away, you felt breathless.

The two of you stayed in each other's arms for a while longer and you could feel your eyelids starting to droop as you became tired.

Natasha noticed this and carefully picked you up. She set you down in your bed and tucked you in. You were half asleep, but you still felt her sweetly kiss your forehead.

"Sleep well, sweetheart."

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now