family - natasha romanoff

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"Congatulations, it's a girl!"

You breathed a huge sigh of relief, happy tears gradually sliding down your face as the nurse placed your daughter in your arms. Wrapped in a green blanket, her crying slowly ceased, and she gazed up at you with wonder.

"She has your eyes," you whispered to Natasha. "And your nose, too." Bruce successfully created a cellule with Natasha's blood that could guarantee that the child would be biologically related to the both of you.

"She's perfect," she breathed, her hand shaking slightly as she placed it on your shoulder, soothingly rubbing circles over your skin with her thumb. "Just like you."

"Have you chosen a name?" the nurse asked.

"Yes," you replied, smiling softly. "Cedryna."

Suddently, you heard Natasha giggle, you noticed that your daughter had reached out and clasped her tiny hand around her pinky finger.

"Look, her hand- she's..." she stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence. She honestly couldn't remember ever being this happy in her entire life.

"You should hold her," you suggested, already beginning to carefully hold the baby out towards her. Startled, your daughter began to whine a little, but as soon Natasha cradled her to her chest, she calmed down again.

"My gorgeous girls," she murmured, her own eyes now shining with unshed tears. "I love you both, so much."

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Cedryna yawned delicately, her wide green eyes starting to drop with tiredness. Subconsciously, Natasha rocked her to sleep while you sneakily grabbed her phone from her jacket pocket, using it to take a photo of them, before sending it to Steve.

"Congratulations, I can't wait to meet her!" he replied almost immediatly, followed by a snarky but playful comment about how he never would've thought you and Natasha would make such a perfect couple.

Since your daughter was healthy and you were making a speedy recovery, you were cleared to go home the very next day. You arrived at the tower in the evening, to find the living room decked out with balloons, banners and confetti. As soon as you walked in, followed by Natasha with the portable baby seat, several of your friends popped up from behind the couch.

"Congatulations!" they chimed in unison. You grinned, stepping to the side so that everyone could properly meet the baby. Wanda practically elbowed Tony out of the way to get to her first, which made you laugh.

"Be careful," Natasha frowned, looking slightly worried while everyone crowded round. You took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, silently letting her know that you trusted your friends, and that it was okay for her to do the same.

Luckily, your daughter seemed to be enjoying herself, smiling and making grabby hands as several Avengers took turns to pick her up.

After a couple of hours, you were beginning to feel a little tired. Attentive as usual, Natasha noticed the yawns that you were trying to stifle, and she was by your side in an instant. She placed a soft kiss to your temple and wrapped an arm around your waist, smiling as you leaned into her embrace.

"Bedtime?" she asked, sounding just a tad childish, but hopeful all the same. You knew that she was tired too, so you nodded, before beginning to bid your friends goodbye, this time holding the baby carrier yourself.

She held your hand for the duration of the short elevator journey. You and Natasha had your own floor now, something which Tony had helpfully arranged when you'd announced your pregnancy. One day, you hoped to move out the tower, but for now, this was a perfectly good home, finished with a cute little nursery.

You fed and changed the baby before taking a quick shower. Meeting so many people had evidently tired your daughter out; she drifted to sleep as soon as you placed her in the cot.

"She doesn't cry much, does she?" Natasha commented, switching on the baby monitor as the two of you tiptoed out of the room, heading for your own bed at last.

"Thank God," you joked - well you were only half joking, really. You knew that taking care of a newborn wasn't going to be easy, whether she cried often or not.

Somehow, Natasha picked up on the almost nonexistent note of worry in your voice. She helped you lay down and crawled under the covers beside you, before peppering your face with kisses and letting her arms circle your body.

"You're already a great mother, y'know?" she murmured, kissing your cheek once more as you happily snuggled into her chest.

"And you're an amazing mother, too," you returned. It was true, after all - she was gentle, caring and helpful, just as she was with you.

You both remained silent after that. But, just as your eyes where beginning to flutter closed, Natasha's voice caught your attention once again.

"I never thought I would have anything like this," she sighed. "A girlfriend, a home, a family. This is... it's all I ever wanted. I don't know where I'd be without you, honestly."

"Nat..." you whispered, suddently a little chocked up. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. So much. Now, get some sleep, okay?"

You barely had the energy to nod your head; in a matter of minutes, you were already sleeping deeply.

Natasha, on the other hand, only shut her eyes when she was sure you were asleep. However, after a few seconds, she opened them again, slowly leaning across to set an alarm on her phone for rather early next morning.

After placing the device in the drawer of her dressing table, she then quietly moved her hand a little to the left, grinning when she felt the item that she'd placed there several weeks ago. A small, black velvet box.

An engagement ring.

"Y/N Y/L/N Romanoff," she whispered to herself, shutting the drawer and returning to her original position, hugging you tightly as you slept.

Natasha was still smiling when she fell asleep.

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now