storms - natasha romanoff

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The storm going on outside your window didn't help your fear of thunder.

You shrieked when the sound of lightening filled your ears. You grabbed the blanket that was covering your shivering body over your head as you curled up your lrgs towards your chest, holding them close. Your eyes firmly shut together trying to focus on anything other than the sounds emitting from your large window.

You've always been terrified of storms, ever since you were small. The ideaof something as beautiful as the weather hurting anyone scared you a lot. It was silly really. You, an Avengers, scared of the weather? You killed more villians than you could count, but then again, you were still human, and everyone has their fears. And there was nothing wrong with that, as long as no one saw you.

Your head was in your hands and your legs still tucked tightly to your chest when you heard the door open slowly. You cursed silently and uncovered your face trying not to flinch every time the thunder struck. You opened your eyes trying to act normal when Natasha came into view. You immediately relaxed as she smiled at you.

"It's alright, my love," she whispered as she pulled the covers gently up and slid down to lay beside you. Her arm rested over your waist as you grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to you. You placed your head on her chest and snuggled up to her. "What's wrong?" she asked gently.

You chuckled nervously and her grip tightened on you in concern.

"It's stupid," you stated. "You'll laugh."

"We'll see, tell me Y/N."

Almost your whole body was on top of hers, your head its way to the crook of her neck and she shivered as she felt your breath on the side of her neck. Both of her arms wrapped around your waist tightly, reassuring you that you were safe.

"Sorry, you're warm," you giggle, "Storms suck." you mumbled against her skin already feeling calmer.

She chuckled as she played with your hair. "I know," she breathed.

Your eyes closed shut at the sensation and you relaxed into her body heat. You didn't know when it happened but you fell asleep faster than you'd expected, Natasha soon followed.

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now