run away with me - natasha romanoff

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Natasha gently traces your shoulder, barely touching you, careful not to wake you up. You're still peacefully sleeping next to your girlfriend, wearing one of her old shirts that she had given you. Natasha loves the way you look in them.

The image of last night swam up her mind. She had called you after a long and tiring day. After the call, you shortly showed up at the compound, taking her away. You danced all night long.

When you got home, you stumbled your way to the bedroom, giggling and leaving a trail of clothes behind you. Her hot breath on your neck, her hands all over your body. Words of love and sweet nothing whispered in the dark of the night.

Natasha smiled as you laid next to her, moonlight from outside the widow in the starry night sky illuminated your body in silver night. You're everything to her. The love she feels for you is unconditional.

The memory warms Natasha's heart.

You opened your eyes stretching your limbs with a big yawn. A smile spread over your face when Natasha was the first thing you saw. You wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her down to you for a morning kiss.

"Good morning, baby," you whispered in the quiet of the comfort of your bedroom.

"Morning to you too, my love," Natasha smiled, whispering back, softly bumping her nose against yours.

You're always there for Natasha with a smile on your lips when she needs you holding her hand. You were the one who taught her how to love. There are times when she wonders how you can bear what she did in the past. But she's grateful for you, she couldn't imagine life without you anymore.

Sometimes Natasha wishes she could just run away with you in the deep of the night without looking back. Start a new life somewhere where you could watch sunsets and sunrises from your porch. Screw the world, she had done enough. Risking her life to wipe off the blood on her ledger.

"What are you thinking about?" you asked, noticing her distant gaze. She's looking at you but it feels like she's looking through you, somewhere far away lost deep in her thoughts.

"About life," Natasha nuzzled her nose against your neck, breathing in your scent. You smells like her with a note of rain mixed in between.

"What about it?" you chuckled, tangling your fingers in her hair.

"Thinking about running away," she sucked a hickey on the base of your neck in addition to the ones she made earlier. A surprised gasp slipped past your lips. "With you, of course." She quickly added.

"You want to run away?"

"Would you?" Natasha raised her head to look at you.

"With you? Of course. I would follow you anywhere," you said without thinking.

"Yeah?" She quirked a brow; "Would you drop everything and follow me to some random place in the world?"

"If there is running water and electricity, then yes."

"What if there's not?" For a second, her gaze dropped to your lips before returning back to your eyes.

"Umm... I'm sorry Nat but you're on your own," you chuckled.

A laugh rumbled through her chest before she kissed you. Natasha wouldn't ask you to leave everything behind because of her.

Her hand slip underneath your shirt, fingers gigging into your skin.

"You're unsatisfiable Romanoff," you hummed against her lips.

"And who's fault is that?" She chuckled, slightly pulling back.

"Houw is that my fault?" You smiled.

"Well, where do I start?" she propped her head on her hand, looking over you with adoration in her eyes. "You're beautiful and sexy, you make me happy, very happy, and you turn me on only by looking at me the way you look at me right now. How many reasons do you need? I have nothing planned for today, so I have all day to list them."

"Smartass. Promise you won't run away without me, that you'll always stay with me," you cupped her cheek.

"I promise, Y/N," Natasha placed her palm on the back of her hand that's on her cheek leaning into it. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, indicating that she had something in mind. She pecked the inside of her palm. "We're the neverending story, my love," Natasha smiled widely, bringing the sheets over both of your heads, making you laugh.

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