come over - natasha romanoff

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(it's a bit long, i don't know if i like it... i also didn't proof read)

Natasha's voice is quiet and scratchy as she speaks down the phone line and from the moment the first syllable greets your ears, you know something's wrong. Normally her voice carries a soft lilt, her words following curves as she chatters away about everything and anything, but tonight, she sounds exhausting.

"-So yeah, it's been pretty exhausting if I'm being honest," she finishes, and you hear a loud sigh follow her explanation. You'd asked her how her day was, and you've now gathered that it's been pretty difficult. She hadn't stopped fill files and going on missions all week. Natasha sounded so down. You hate hearing her upset.

"Do you want to come over?" You suggest, voice soft. It's early evening and you've got nothing planned. You've not seen your girlfriend since she'd leapt out of bed last week, shrieking about being late for training, and already the withdrawal symptoms are setting in. You're a new couple, you and Nat - only been official for a month - but already your feelings are coming hard and fast. She's constantly on your mind, and sure, inviting her over is primarily so you can try to cheer her up, but it's also to sate that hollow feeling numbing away in your heart.

"You wouldn't mind?" She asks, voice carrying a quite edge of hopefulness. "Cause I'd really like that, but I know you're busy, so I don't want to interrupt anything-"

"Come over," you order, giggling slightly when you hear her chuckle. "I'll make coffee." You pause. "I'd really like to see you."

If it were pssible to feel smiles slide down telephone lines, you know you'de been basking in the warmest grin right now. "I'll be over in 20," she says, voice more energetic than it'd been when you'd first started talking.

"Great," you smile. "Can't wait to see you!"

Natasha rocks up a little after nine, and as soon as you pull the door of your house, she's flopping into your arms. You're a little surprised at the way she vaults across the doorway and collapses down into your hold, but you quickly push the door closed with your foot and wrap your arms around her waist, rubbing gently over her back as she nuzzles her head against your chest.

She stays there for almost a minute, and in that time you try to focus on loosening the tension in her posture. You can feel. Natasha pulls back after a moment, and you notice how she looks away to blink a few times before turning back. Her grin is a little watery, but you know she's glad to see you.

"Hey, Y/N," she croaks, stepping back so your arms fall down. "Sorry I just folded into you." Her cheeks are flushed a rosy red.

"It's okay, baby," you comfort, trying to soften the curves of your voices. "Go sit down. You look tired."

She tries to protest it, but you win. You know Natasha. You might not have been together for a long time but you've known her for years.

"What are you thinking?" You call out quietly. She kicked off her shoes, but she has her knees pulled to her chin, and as she looks over at you, you hate to see how fragile she looks. "Bath? Hugs?"

She ponders this for a moment, her rich humming falling through the air. "Whatever you want, my love," she says. "I'm already intruding enough."

You walk into the living room with two mugs in hand, passing one over to her before slipping onto the couch beside her. She moves her feet down from the plush cushions and opens her position, and youcarefully tug her arm arm until you're comfortable with the position. Natasha, resting against your side, the both of you tucked beneath a fluffy blanket as you sip the coffee.

"You're not intuding," you reply after a few moments. With your free hand, you comb through her long red hair. "You're always welcomehere, you know that."

"Thank you," she murmurs. "Sorry, I really don't know what's going on with me today. I keep getting so emotional over everything." She moves her empty mug to your coffee table.

"Sometimes we just have those days," you say. " It's normal, Nat. You don't have to be stong all the time. There's nothing wrong with that."

She reachs down to loop your fingers together and squeezes your hand tightly.

"Stay here tonight," you ask.

"Are you sure that's okay?" She looks up to you, her deep green eyes shining in the dim lights of your floor lamps. You smile softly and nod. "Then yes, please. I'd like that a lot."

It isn't long until you're curled up together in your bed beneath your soft duvet. The room is quiet and dark, and your hands are joined and your legs are entangled and you're so close together that you can feel her breath on your cheeks. She feels safe with you just as much you feel safe with her.

You lean up to press a final kiss to her lips and move your hands to take a hold of hers.

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now