in bed - natasha romanoff (smut)

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Natasha's warm tongue wended its way between your lips and delved deeper and deeper into your mouth, skillfully outmaneuvering your own as you made a playfull stab of dominance. After a few more bliss-filled moments, she pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting the both of you.

That's hot.

Natasha slowly but surely made it so that she was straddling you and yours arms were pinned above your head. You twisted underneath her but only to better position her on top of your clit, grinding upwards against hers.

"Ah ah ah. Not just yet," she reprimanded in a sing song voice to which you responded with an impatient noise but settled nonethless. You watched as she took off her shirt in a very hot way, unbuttoning it slowly before sliding it over her head and showing off her muscular forearms and biceps. Her very practical black bra was soon discarded on the floor alongside her button-up. Your eyes took in the shape of her breasts which were practically perfect in every way, curvy and rounded with light pink buds that stood out from the skin. The fact that she had trusted you enough to disclose them to you was a prize which you cherished very dearly and you would sooner take a gun to your head than betray that trust.

After Natasha had removed her shirt and bra, she invited you to do the same which you did gladly, not quite as sexily as she had done in your haste but an effort was made. She surveyed your breasts with a ravenous hunger, biting her lip and looking upward as if she couldn't believe her luck. "You're so beautiful, Y/N."

You brought her attention back down to you by writhing and twisting underneath her, your clit not receiving the attention it desired. She smirked before connecting your lips once more, undoing the clasp of your jeans without breaking the kiss. Her deft fingers rubbed your clit in circular motions while her lips trailed down your neck and ever further still, tracing your collarbones and then settling on your left nipple, sucking the softness from it until it was full eract and hardened. You arched your back as a result of all the stimulus you were receiving, your clit tingling with anticipation of what was next to come.

Finally, after all the teasing and toying, her lips skirted around your pussy and moved from one part of your inner thigh to the other before finally coming to rest on your clit. You moaned and pulled at her hair as she sucked on it and prodded it with her tongue, creating all kinds of tingling sensations that spread to every part of your body. As she licked at your clit, two of her fingers were inserted into your vagina and were pumped in and out, slow and fast. You felt feverish with lust and love, your body arching and grinding up against her face and fingers, spreading your legs wider to make things more accessible. Your breathing was heavy as you whined and moaned between bouts of gasping for air. You were so unbelievably wet and just nearing your climax she pulled away, licking her fingers clean like the barrel of a gun after a duel. You whined and writhed, your needs almost satisfied, but apparently Natasha had other plans.

She unbuttoned her jeans as well, sliding them off and removing her underwear in a swift fasion. She then positioned herself over your face so that you had a perfect view of her clit, which had retracted slightly due to her arousal, and you immediatly knew what to do.

You lapped at her clit, swirling around it, slow then fast, and sucking, causing her spine to arch and a labored panting to escape her. You could sense she was reaching her climax and picked up your pace but she moved out of your tongue's reach, breathing heavily.

Natasha and you stared at each other, your pupils dilating in your arousal, nearly driven off the edge but still clinging on.

She moved once more. "Lay on your side for me, Y/N," Natasha whispered in a husky voice, her rushed breathing tickling your ear. She then positioned herself so that she was straddling one of your legs and your clits were grinding together, a friction that drove you wild. You moaned her name as she grouned her pussy against yours, a rough guesture which you quickly returned. You were both so wet by this time and nearing your climaxes that you decided to brace it together, the rush of release overtaking your body in a symphony of tastes, touches, and sounds. It was utter bliss. In your comedown, the two of you entangled your limbs and shared a slow and loving kiss, her fingers brushing the hair from your eyes, leaving a tingling sensation burning under the skin.

"How was it, baby?" Natasha murmured gently.

"Amazing! Thank you Natty," you replied sleppily, grazing her cheek with your worn out lips. "We'll shower in the morning, you don't want to move right now," she said in the same sleepy voice. You nodded serenely before drifting off to sleep, your dreams comprising of fantasies of morning shower sex.

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