"you'll be okay" - natasha romanoff

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You sat on the side of your bed, staring blankly at the wall. It was late afternoon and you hadn't left your room yet - not because you'd woken up late, but because you couldn't bring yourself to get up. You felt mentally tired, almost numb.

The feeling wasn't new to you, you still hated it. Being stuck inside was clearly taking a toll on your mental health and you weren't sure how to fix it.

A knock on your bedroom door startled you, jolting you out of your dazed state. Nervously, you ran your fingers through your unbrushed hair in an attempt to tidy it slightly, before quietly calling for the visitor to enter.

You tried to muster a smile when you saw your girlfriend, Natasha, standing in the doorway. However, your eyes gave you away, straight away, she noticed that their usual twinkle was missing.

Sighing, Natasha closed the door behind her and approached you, wrapping her arm firmly around your waist as she sat down next to you.

"Baby," she began, speaking softly, "what's going on? I haven't see you for ages. I miss you."

It was true. You have been avoiding her, not wanting to drag her mood down by being around her. But, if you told her that now, she would likely be upset anyway.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've just been... busy," you lied unconvincingly.

"Busy doing what?" she scoffed, frowning.

You didn't have a response. Suddently, tears were rolling down your cheeks as you forlornly stared up at Natasha, silently praying that she wasn't angry.

Luckily, she wasn't. Her frown quickly disappeared as she pulled you towards her, allowing you to cry into her chest. She didn't ask you any questions, or pressure you to talk to her. She just rocked you back and forth, telling you over and over that things would be okay.

Eventually, your sobs quietened and your tears dried up. Inhaling shakily, you tilted your head upwards and made eye contact with Natasha, who reached forward to gently tuck your hair behind your ear.

"I'm sorry," you chocked out, knowing that she deserved an explanation. "It just happened so fast, I started feeling like this again and I didn't know what to do and it's like I have no energy and you... you looked so happy, I couldn't ruin that for you-"

"Hey, hey," Natasha interrupted, gripping your wrist to calm you down as your breathing began to quicken. "Take a breath, alright? Take your time."

"I'm scared, Nat," you whimpered, not knowing what else you should say.

And she knew what you meant. If anybody knew what it was like to be terrified of their own mind, it was her.

"Listen to me, Y/N..." she murmured, placing a hand on your knee and rubbing slow circules over your skin using her thumb. "I want you to know that I'm here for you. You don't have to go through this alone, and I would never want you to isolate yourself for my sake, okay?"

You thought for a second before nodding uncertainly. Suddenly exhausted, you climbed into Natasha's lap and wrapped your legs around her waist, once again burying your face in the crook of her neck.

In a matter of seconds, you were falling asleep.

Slowly, Natasha laid back in your bed and pulled the covers over the two of you. Before you drifted off, you felt her place a soft kiss to your forehead.

"You'll be okay, my love."

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now