Best Date Ever

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Neito Monoma was not having a good day.

Three 1-A losers have used cheesy pickup lines on him more times than he can count on two hands.

And it's only lunch.

Normally he wouldn't mind being flirted with. But the pickup lines were so bad, they made him physically cringe.

Oh, what's that? The icy hot 1-A student is approaching him?

Let's see how this goes!

"Hey Monoma"

"What do you want now?"

"Did you know there are 20 letters in the alphabet?"

"What the fuck? Are they not teaching you properly in 1-A? There are 26."

"Oh- my bad- I forgot the U R A Q T"

Yep. Monoma almost screamed right there. He had already heard this one earlier from the purple haired one.

"Let me guess, I can get the D later?"

"Oh? You want it?"

His eyes rolled so far back into his head he thought he actually saw his brain.

"No. I do not."

"Hm. That's a shame. Well- here, if you ever change your mind call me. Oh, the names Todoroki by the way."

The boy now known as Todoroki handed Monoma a piece of paper with his number on it and shot finger guns at him before turning around and walking off.

Well, walking off is an overstatement. He actually fell down the stairs that definitely weren't there a minute before, then got up and walked off as if nothing happened.

After seeing what happened, Kendo went up to Monoma and sighed angrily.

"I swear to god Monoma if you were bothering 1-A again"

"No! They're bothering me! I'm the victim here!"

"Oh yeah? Why would 1-A bother with you when all you do is harass them?"

"I don't harass them! And I don't know, they're the ones fucking flirting with me!"

Yep. Neito Monoma was really not having a good day.

And his day only got worse when he got home.

1-A Groupchat

System: Mysterious has added Monoma Neito

Monoma Neito: how did you get my number

Mysterious: that's a secret, hot stuff

Monoma Neito: oh my fucking god.

Alien Queen: Monoma? The hot guy from 1-B with the terrible attitude.

Floof: that's him

Alien Queen: oh! @Monoma Neito you know, you're extremely hot but your personality really ruins it for you

Monoma Neito: you have a nice personality, but your looks really ruin it for you

Alien Queen: not you targeting my insecurities

Monoma Neito: like you didn't target mine

Mysterious: okayyyyy- I think that's enough fighting! Sorry bby boy, I would have added you to me, Toshi and Sho's groupchat but I didn't want you to backread and see dick pics

Monoma Neito: you are terrible at flirting, you sound like a 13 year old

Mysterious: that hurt my feelings though

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