Press Conference

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The media were vultures.

Izuku didn't even have time to sit down before questions were being shouted at him. He sighed behind his mask, looking at Aizawa for help.

The man nodded in understanding, flashing his quirk at the reporters. Some of them flinched- oh, thats interesting, they're using their quirks? Or maybe they can't deactivate their quirk? He took a mental note of the ones that reacted and deactivated his quirk.

The now quiet group looked at the heroes. Hawks was at the left end, then Flashbomb, Atlas and Eraserhead. The sounds of cameras clicking filled the room.

"Right. You're all here to ask questions. Anyone, and I mean anyone who makes Atlas uncomfortable will be expected to write a 1000 word long genuine apology, or you'll be out of a job. Understood?"

Izuku grinned at Aizawa. He was such a teacher.

When most of the group had nodded their agreements the man spoke again.

"You'll raise hands to ask questions. When picked, state which hero you're asking before you say anything. This is going to be civilised, or we all leave immediately. Keep in mind that Atlas is a student. A minor. You will treat him as such."

He waited a moment, as if leaving time for questions- as if anyone dared to ask any- before speaking.

"Alright. Lets get this over with then."

A reporters hand shot up, then another, then another, until they were all fighting for attention. Izuku pointed at one of them.

"Atlas! How come we didn't see you in the Sports Festival?"

"I didn't participate."

When the woman realised he wouldn't elaborate she sighed and wrote something down. Aizawa had the proudest grin ever.

Izuku pointed to another, and the questions continued.


"Atlas. What caused you to hate Stain?"

The room fell completely silent, everyone looking to Izuku for an answer.

Izuku wasn't stupid. He couldn't just say 'He hurt someone I care about' because what about the villains watching? He'd be exposing a weakness, one he didn't want to be exploited.

"I don't hate him. How can I hate him when I don't know him?"

The room erupted, reporters shouting millions of questions. He waited for them to quiet down before he continued.

"I agree with Stain, in a way. There are many heroes who are wrong, who don't deserve the title. I don't agree with his actions, but I can under where he's coming from. This society is, quite frankly, a bigger flaming mess than Endeavour."

Aizawa his a chuckle in his scarf. The room was still quiet, until one brave reporter raised his hand.

"Eraserhead. How is Atlas a hero course student when he's clearly a murderer?"

Uh oh, bro's gonna die.

Aizawa lifted his scarf, ready to shoot it at the man and make sure he never saw sunlight again, but he was stopped when Atlas stood up.

"A murderer? Who did I murder?"

The man, seemingly not understanding that he now had three pro heroes glaring holes through his head, answered.

"You- you killed the Nomu! People saw it! You killed so many."

"And? They aren't human. If I didn't kill them, they'd kill me and many others. Would you rather I let them live and destroy Japan, taking countless lives, just to satisfy your personal morals? I'm not going to apologise for doing the right thing. You should apologise for being a complete cock sucker and targetting me just because you're mad I defeated Stain when your favourite heroes couldn't."

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