Hosu, pt2

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Hosu was a mess.

That was an understatement. It was a flaming mess.

Fire was everywhere. All that could be heard were screams of civilians, innocent people who had nothing to do with this, and the roars of Nomu.

Where Eraserhead faltered for just a second at the sight, Atlas passed him, a wild smile spreading across his face. He pulled a knife out and jumped onto the back of a Nomu, stabbing it in the brain, keeping his grip no matter how much the monster thrashed and screamed.

The pride in Eraserheads eyes only lasted for a second before a Nomu was flying at Izuku, screeching almost as loud as Mic when he activated his quirk. His eyes glowed a dangerous red, capture weapon flying forward at incredible speeds to halt the monster, pulling a machete from his belt. He ragged the flailing Nomu towards him, pulling it brain first into the knife.

"Hypnos! You're on crowd control. You know Backdraft? He's around here, he'll be in the area with the last fire. Find him and stick with him. You have permission to use your quirk on any civilian that needs help calming down. Backdraft will direct you to the first aid hub."

Hypnos nodded and ran off, trying to locate the water hero.

Another Nomu came barrelling towards him, crashing into him before he had a chance to activate his quirk. He hit the ground with a thump and the Nomu screaming in his face, a disgusting slime falling from its mouth. Within seconds Atlas was on its back, and he took the opportunity to repeatedly pierce its brain.

He stood up, flicking the blood off of his knife and scanning Atlas for injuries, relieved when he found no signs of any.

"Took a pretty nasty fall there Eraser, you sure your old body can handle that?"

The hero smiled faintly, slight admiration for the boy who managed to crack a joke even in this situation. Though he noticed the unasked question.

"I'm ok. A little bruised but nothing too serious. You?"

"I'm good! Great! Better than ever. Lets go lets go lets go."

The boy rocked from his heels to the balls of his feet, clearly excited. That slightly concerned Eraserhead but hey, who was he to judge.

"Oh, Nezu is aware of the situation. Heroes from UA are on the way."

You could have told Aizawa he had a million cats at home waiting for him, and that wouldn't have made him happier than this. Well, maybe, but you understand the sentiment.

Of course, worry was also present. He didn't want his husband and- dare he admit- friends in the middle of this mess. But backup did seem real nice round about now. Sure, many heroes were already here, but it seemed that when one Nomu was defeated five new ones appeared.

Speaking of Nomus, Atlas bolted off towards a hero currently in a losing battle with a Nomu. His brain supplied the Heroes name. Flashbomb. Her quirk was basically Atlas's glitter bombs but they produced small flashes of light instead, and she could shoot them from her hands. Which, was totally unfair by the way. Why did she get an unlimited supply? The hero was quickly rising the ranks due to her good looks and kind personality, often seen helping civilians in daily tasks.

She was kind. That was about to be her downfall. A young girl was hidden a small distance away behind a pile of rubble, cradling a small, unexploded flashbomb in her hands, and sobbing uncontrollably.

Flashbomb was nice. Atlas didn't want her life to be cut short.

He ran at the Nomu, pulling something from his pocket and embedding it in the monsters brain.


He ran back, watching a confused flashbomb move as far as she could from the creature. His smile only grew more as he saw Eraserhead chuckle slightly.


The thing exploded. What was undoubtely splatters of the Nomus brain was covered by bright, rainbow glitter.

The young girl stared at it with stars in her eyes, distracted from the flailing, now headless Nomu heading towards her. Eraserhead grabbed it with his scarf. He pulled, and pulled, and pulled, until the weapon was so tight around the Nomu it was split in half, a surprisingly clean slice.

Flashbomb looked at the two, her previously blond hair now stained red.

"Who are you?"

"Eraserhead. This is Atlas, a hero student."

"No, no that's Midori."

She ran over, engulfing the boy in a hug. He was too stunned to return it.

"Don't you remember? You saved me! I'd remember your bombs anywhere."

The boy smiled at her.

"I'm glad youre doing good! You can't tell anyone I was Midori though ok?"

The hero nodded, a look of understanding on her face.

"Mind if I join you two? I was separated from my partner a while back."

The two in question shared a look. It was Eraserhead that spoke.

"Sure. Keep up."

Eraserhead sprinted off, Flashbomb trying to keep up. Atlas took a second to make sure the young girl was safe before following.

The three ran through the streets, assisting struggling heroes, gaining surprisingly few injuries.

Atlas did have a pretty nasty gash just above his jaw on the right side of his face, but he assured the other two he was ok for now and would alert them if he begun feeling dizzy or lightheaded. He tore up his mask and wrapped it over his head, slightly covering his vision in his right eye but better than bleeding out.

Eraserhead was left with a few bruises, shallow cuts and remnants of pink glitter in his raven hair from one of Atlas's bombs.

Flashlight was probably in the worst shape. She already had a few injuries from before her meeting with the two. Patches of her red-stained hair had been torn out, her nose was slightly crooked and there was a slowly growing blood patch on her white costume between her legs. Though she just joked to the two boys about it being a really unfortunate time for her period to come.

They were taking a second to breathe on a roof when Atlas got a text. From Yasu. A location.

"###### Alley stain injur"

His heart fell into his lungs.

He leapt off of the rooftops, the heroes following him. As they ran he texted Endeavour and Mic.

"###### Alley. Yasu is engaging stain. hes been injured. bring backup."

"Atlas, talk to us. Where are we going."

He took a second to spare a glance to his mentor- no- his dad at this point.

"Yasu. He's found Stain, and is injured. ###### Alley. Shit shit shit, we aren't fast enough."

Just then they heard someone flying at them from behind. Eraserhead turned around prepared to fight, but relaxed when he saw who it was.

"Heya birdie, heard you could use some help? You know I'm the fastest in Japan."

Atlas had never been so happy. He lifted his hands up and Hawks grabbed onto them, carrying the boy through the air.

"Eraserhead! Meet us there. I can't afford to just run."

As much as the hero hated, detested the idea of letting Atlas go, he knew that the boy was right. Yasu's life depended on this, and Atlas was strong. Combined with Hawks and the other heroes that would soon be arriving, he was sure they had enough power to defeat The Hero Killer.

not proofread or edited

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