Yay, Jumping Therapists

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Hero Course GC

Manliest: @Mysterious can you add me into whatever gc it is youre in with denki?

Mysterious: is he with you? how is he?

Manliest: i'll explain, just add me?

Mysterious: mk

UA Staff Chat

System: Mysterious has added Kirishima Eijirou to the groupchat

Kirishima Eijirou: hi, i'm only here to talk for denks because he doesn't want to talk to anyone right now

Dadzawa: how is he?

Kirishima Eijirou: how do you think? you might as well have tied his arms behind his back, or tied his feet together. you know a quirk is just like another limb

Dadzawa: I know, that's why i'm asking if he's ok.

Kirishima Eijirou: well no, he's not. not that it's any of your business.

Dadzawa: Kirishima. I understand this is difficult but try to choose your words before you type them.

Kirishima Eijirou: what the fuck? my boyfriend showed up at my door crying, half conscious, in hospital clothes and you expect me to be ok with this?

Dadzawa: No, of course I don't. You have a right to be upset.

Mysterious: this is bullshit. just let denki do what makes him happy, we can worry about getting him professional help once he's stable enough to actually talk to us. pushing him into something when all he wants is to be with kiri rn isn't smart

Dadzawa: .. you're right. kirishima, take care of him

Kirishima Eijirou: of course i will, it's not like you're going to

System: Kirishima Eijirou is offline

Kinky~: damn aizawa, you angered the resident nice kid

Dadzawa: oh, really? i couldn't tell.

Vape Cloud: aw come on lighten up! they're hormonal teenagers, they'll be fine maybe?

Mysterious: being called hormonal when you're actually depressed but not taken seriously because of your age<<<<

Minizawa: mood

1-B Prince: ^

Icythot: this song is low-key mood

Minizawa: oh which one

Icythot: the one that goes 'can i still get into heaven if i kill myself'

Mysterious: that song hurts to just listen to because it's that relatable

Cockatoo: this is worrying

Mysterious: awh shit, shoto why didn't you do this in our gc

Problem Solver: get your asses to my office

Mysterious: sigh

Minizawa: hold on, i didn't say shit

Mysterious: don't be a bitch, i know you were about to answer with something equally depressing

Minizawa: fine, fine. can't believe i'm walking all the way to school for a fucking therapy sessions

Icythot: actually i can't come, neito's head has taken up residency on my lap and he's too adorable to move

1-B Prince: get your ass to therapy, i'll still be here when you get back

Icythot: fine

Shoto was the last to enter hound dog's office. Hitoshi and Izuku were already on the sofa across from the counsellor, Izuku staring off at the wall zoming out and Hitoshi not being able to sit still.

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