Quirk Misuse

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yay, denki angst

UA Staff Chat

Dadzawa: recovery girl, mind coming and doing a home visit?

Minizawa: dad, i'm fine. a few cuts never hurt anyone

Crazy: the opposite actually!

1-B Prince: omfg you actually did it

Mysterious: wait toshi got to fuck his person? awesome

Kinky~: snipe you owe me

Yee-haw: awh shit. i didn't think she'd actually hurt him

Party Healer: sigh. first i have to deal with you and yamada, now i have to deal with hitoshi and his villain side fuck

Mysterious: wait wym you had to deal with dad and dadzawa

Dadzawa: she doesn't mean anything

Part Healer: what i mean is i don't understand how someone actually enjoys that level of pain

Mysterious: damn, which one of yall is the masochist then

Cockatoo: i'll give you a hint, it isn't me

System: Dadzawa is offline

Better #1: done did scared him off

Sero: i need help

Mysterious: what's up?

Sero: i went over to denkis bc we were going to study but when i got here he was short circuited in the bathroom

Sero: the door was locked, that wasn't a problem but he now doesn't have a bathroom door

Sero: anyway i'm sort of freaking out so can someone come help? please?

Mysterious: holy fuck. mk i got this, i'm on the way. pm me address

System: Mysterious is offline

Evil Rat Genius: @Sero I hope you don't mind us asking some questions

Sero: of course not

Evil Rat Genius: alright!

System: Evil Rat Genius has added Tsukauchi to the groupchat

Tsukauchi: Hello Sero. I will be doing the questioning. Nezu, if you will?

System: Nezu has temporarily banned everyone except UA staff and students

Tsukauchi: thank you. Sero, my quirk is lie detector. It allows me to detect lies. Recently I have been able to use it through phone calls and messages. Do you consent to the use of my quirk?

Sero: yes

Tsukauchi: Great. Everything from now is on the record. State your name, age and quirk

Sero: Sero Hanta, 16, Tape

Tsukauchi: great. what time did you arrive at Kaminari's

Sero: i don't know, maybe 10 minutes ago?

Tsukauchi: alright. why'd you take so long to ask for help?

Sero: i dont- i was panicking. it took 5 minutes to get in and find him

Tsukauchi: and how is he currently? Recovery girl is already on the way

Sero: he's just like he normally is when he circuits

Tsukauchi: how is that?

Sero: actually he's not, he's kind of just.. lying there? his eyes are open and crossed over but he's not blinking. he has a pulse and keeps looking over at me, or- turning his head my way? oh fuck he's going to die isn't he?

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