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Ua Staff Chat

Evil Rat Genius: Mysterious.

Mysterious: Nezu.

Kinky~: The tension~

Shinso Hitoshi: Wtf is this

Evil Rat Genius: Are you sure you want to fight yet again? I have beat you so many times.

Cockatoo: you WHAT?!


Party Healer: Nezu. I am disappointed. I expected better from you.

Dadzawa: you're all idiots.

Mysterious: and you won't beat me again. Let's begin shall we?

Shinso Hitoshi: okay wtf is happening.

Literal Drill: That's one hell of a chess match....

Insert b99 opening music
Du du du du duu
Du du du du duuu
Du du du du. Dun dun

In real life.

Izuku opened the car door and got out, carefully shutting it behind him. He looked up at Ua, filled with nervousness.

"You ready little listener?"

He smiled a little and nodded, following Mic as he walked through the gates, flashing his id.

"Ok kiddo! How you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"Really? Well I'm not!"

Izuku stopped and deadpanned him.

"Come again?"

"Yeah- I'm totally freaking out! But like I'm totally excited too!"

The upbeat tone made Izuku let out a small chuckle as he walked past Mic and up to Nezu's office, knocking on the door twice.

The door swung open and Izuku looked down to see Nezu beaming at him.

"Now how the fuck did you open the door if the handle is all the way up here?"

"Now, mysterious. Don't underestimate me!"

Tsukauchi walked out from behind the door.

"I opened it for him."

"Ohh! Kauchi-chan! It's good to finally talk to you!"

You see, whenever Izuku took a criminal to the police station he left a little note to Tsukauchi. Mostly it was just taunts and teasing that he was better than heroes and the police, or wishing him goodluck dealing with the usually glitter-covered criminal.

"Sigh. You're really the one who's been getting pink glitter all over the station?"

"Mean! It wasn't me, it was the villains!"

"It was indirectly you."

"As much as I enjoy the drama, Mic and Mysterious have some paperwork to sign!"

Mic nodded and politely greeted Tsukauchi before sitting down on the couch and filling out the paperwork.

"Woah speakerphone, you're oddly quiet"

"Shhhhhh paperwork fries my brain I need to concentrate!"

Izuku chuckled before looking down at the paperwork in his hands. He frowned when he realised his wasn't paperwork, just questions.

"Hey 'Kauchi, why did I get a test?"

"We need your basic information so Present Mic can legally adopt you."

His eyes widened in surprise when the teenager let out a low growl.

"And how many people will be seeing this form?"

"Just me, Nezu and Mic. Usually there would be a court involved, but me and Nezu hold a lot of influence."


He gritted his teeth as his grip tightened on the paper.

1. What is your full name?

Only slightly hesitating he scribbled down his answer.

Izuku Midoriya

When is your birthday?

July 15th

Do you have any family?

The paper scrunched in his hands as he remembered. He remembered the screams, the heat, the sounds of battle. He remembered it all in immense detail.

"Now why the fuck does my family have anything to do with this?"

The three adults looked at him worriedly. The amount of anger in his voice scared Tsukauchi and made him want to high tail it out of there.

"Mysterious, I'm sure you already know this but if you have any family we are legally obliged to contact them."

All the bear-rat? got in response was a grunt as the boy looked down to his paper and Tsukauchi let out a sigh of relief.

'Kid has one hell of a glare...'

Do you have any family?


Sorry this one is short- I just thought that was a good place to end off. I'm starting on the next one straight away though so it'll be out soon

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