Hosu Aftermath

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The aftermath of the incident was, well... Surprisingly calm. Tsukauchi had been in to interview those involved and found that nobody involved broke any laws. Despite maybe using too much force, but that was necessary.

Yasu was in hospital. Recovery Girl had thankfully got there in the ambulance, instantly healing Yasu as much as she could. But his energy was drained. The long cut down his arm wasnt down to the bone or muscle anymore, but still deep enough to need medical attention. He hadn't woken yet. Then again, it had only been a few hours and he did have major blood loss.

Izuku managed to get the cut across his face treated. It had gotten infected, but nothing the right quirks couldn't deal with. He was going to be left with a sick scar once the bandage was gone though.

Izuku and Hitoshi had reunited in the hospital. Turns out Hitoshi had ended up helping evacuations. Shoto joined them soon after, having also been caught in the chaos. He had mild quirk exhaustion but nothing much else.

Everything was fine. It was calm, everything was going well.

Until the video leaked. The video of Atlas trying to murder Stain.

People soon found out who he was. A UA student, a future hero, trying to kill someone.

The public was divided. Some supported him, said he was correct and used the right amounts of force to subdue the powerful villain. Others thought he was overkill- that no hero should act like that, no matter the circumstances.

Many were curious. What were his motives? What had him so angry?

Izuku sighed, sat on the floor leaning back against the sofa. Shoto was between his legs, letting him thread his fingers through the boys dual-colour hair. He was still slightly loopy from the quirk overuse, but was mostly ok. Hitoshi and Neito were on the sofa behind them, playing games against eachother on their phones.

Izuku read the news over Shoto's shoulder, and after seeing the sixth article in a row about the incident he pulled out his phone.

UA Staff Chat

Mysterious: why dont we have lessons on how to deal w media?

Eraserhead: You do. In your second year.

Present Mic: yep! usually first years dont need to deal with the media.

Mysterious: theyre fucking evil

Eraserhead: amen

Midnight: how about a press conference?

Nezu: if izuku wishes, i can set that up!

Mysterious: is that a good idea? im wanting to go into underground

Eraserhead: It shouldn't effect anything too much. I did a few press conferences in my second year.

Shigaraki: the ones abt oboro? i saw them

Mysterious: yeah because youre a chronically online lonely fanboy. anyway, if zawa says it wont ruin my whole future idm it.

Nezu: Great! @Hawks @Eraserhead @Hitoshi Would you like to take part?

Eraserhead: You think I'm leaving a poor kid to deal with the media alone? I'm not that sadistic.

Present Mic: yeah, youre the opposite of sadistic shou

Hawks: hell yeah im up for it.

Hitoshi: i dont really want to. i was only involved at the beginning, ill have basically no input

Nezu: Understandable. Recovery Girl?

RG: You're trying to have a little old lady thrown into a sea of assholes? No thank you. I'd rather go face a Nomu alone.

Nezu: Alright! Also, @Tsukauchi I believe you can now reveal the official story?

Tsukauchi: Yep. Heroes Hawks, Eraserhead and Flashbomb took down Stain, with the help of hero student Atlas.

Mysterious: ill take it

Present Mic: from what i hear you played a bigger part in it

Mysterious: well kinda, but i dont want all the credit and pressure yk? if they think im trying to outdo heroes im painting a huge target on my back which i dont rly need

Nezu: Flashbomb will also be present at the conference!

System: Nezu added Flashbomb to the groupchat

Flashbomb: hey!

Mysterious: well hello sexy strong lady

Flashbomb: ur a minor

Mysterious: yeah but yk what isnt minor?

Eraserhead: Flashbomb. Are you healing well?

Flashbomb: Yep! totally bruised up but nothing i cant handle. got a sweet new haircut now though

Midnight: i saw on your hero network acct, it looks amazing on you

Flashbomb: thank you!!

Mysterious: wait i wanna see wtf this is ageism

Eraserhead: It most definitely is not

Mysterious: it is.

Izuku sighed and put his phone down, tangling his fingers back in Shoto's hair. He just wanted to see his new besties new look, but oh well. For now he was content, tuning out the sounds of two of his boyfriends arguing in the background about something that happened in game and focusing instead on Shoto's soft breaths as he fell into sleep. He took the phone from the boy before it fell, and figured he should get comfortable.

Nezu was efficient. Izuku wished he wasn't.

The press conference came quick, just two days after Nezu had mentioned it. Reporters crowded into the room, fighting for the best spots.

Vultures. Fucking. Vultures.

The heroes were all in costume, which gave Izuku some comfort- atleast he had his bombs to keep him company. He was sat in a separate room, pulling his new mask over his face when someone walked in.

He turned to face them, ready to start shouting because now was not the time- but stopped.


The woman smiled at him, her white costume completely cleaned. It was skintight, red accents running down the sides. Izuku hadn't noticed them before- probably because she had been covered in red.

Her bright yellow eyes radiated an aura of friendliness. Goggles hung around her neck- they kind of looked like one of those VR things from pre-quirk times. Izuku figured it was to prevent blindness, considering her quirk.

"Hey Midori! Oh- uh- Atlas? Anyway, you ready for this shit?"

Her smile never left, only seeming to grow as she spoke. Yet, unlike All Might's, the smile seemed genuine.

He couldnt help but smile back, hoping his eyes conveyed his emotions well enough.

"What's with the mask anyway?"

"Planning to go underground, don't really want everyone seeing my face. It's why my hairs hidden too. Just the stuff thats identifiable. Plus, the scar from that fuckin' claw Nomu isn't very pretty."

"Oh- I'm sorry about that! If you like i can call in a few favours and try find someone with a scar removal quirk."

Izuku thought back to how he got it- how the Nomu had almost slashed through Flashbomb's chest before he jumped infront- and shook his head.

"Nah. They're super rare right? Plus, it's proof that I'm like... heroic, and did something good."

She smiled at him widely

"Hell yeah! That's the best attitude a hero could have."

A buzz came over the intercom, signalling that it was time for them to go.

"You ready?"

Izuku gritted his teeth and nodded.

".. If i die here, tell my partners I love them"

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