Kacchan the Kinky

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guyyyyysssss you should check out my other new book it's in the same universe as this one but focuses on specific ships/people!! also happy pride!

Aizawa, who was laying on the sofa, snorted as Izuku and Hitoshi walked in, looking ready to pass out.

Hitoshi glared at him, and Izuku gave him the universal sign to fuck off. The universal sign being throwing a shoe at him, cause that clearly tells someone to fuck off.

Aizawa watched as the shoe flew past him, not even flinching as it missed by a lot. He sat up and looked at Izuku.


"Shut up relic"


"Old and ancient"

"You little-"

Hitoshi slammed his head against the wall.

"Shut up. Izu carry me to bed"

"Are you mad, we did the same shit I'm tired too"

"You're used to this, vigilante n stuff..."

His voice trailed off and the next minute light snoring was heard. A massive grin spread on Aizawa's face.

"That's my kid"

"He fell asleep standing."


Izuku sighed and gently woke Hitoshi up, leading him to his room. They fell asleep cuddling, like the gays they are.

And that's how Mic and Aizawa found them. Izuku laying on Hitoshi's chest, the sheets half covering them.

Can we timeskip? we can can't we? of course we can, timeskip to when they're at school.

Izuku, Hitoshi, Shoto, Tokoyami, Kurorio, Denki, Jirou and Neito were sat in a circle in the back corner of 1-A. No, Kurorio and Neito don't skip class, this happens almost everyday before class.

They were all holding hands, staring into the candle sat at the middle of the circle. Momo had supplied the candle, by the way.

Aizawa was sure he heard some movement in the vents.

He sighed, looking at the clock. 2 minutes until class.

The flame of the candle went out, which was a little weird considering there wasn't anything that put it out, but there were other things to question.

The group opened their eyes at the same time, letting go of each others hands and standing up. Kurorio nodded at Tokoyami and Jirou before disappearing into the shadow of a desk. Neito smiled at his partners and ruffled Shoto's hair before going to the window and saluting, falling backwards out of it.

Izuku walked to the window and waved goodbye to Neito.

When he turned around, most of the class were staring.

"Oh, he's ok!!"

Before anyone could ask any questions though the bell went. Aizawa activated his quirk and everyone was quick to sit down. Minus Izuku because he's a little shit, he took his sweet time walking to his seat, maintaining eye contact.

See, Aizawa's quirk only worked at scaring everyone because it took their quirks. Can't take what you don't have though.

"Before we start, I have a few announcements from Nezu."

The members of the cult, in time with eachother, mumbled "all hail Nezu," and everyone chose to ignore it, for their own mental sanity.

"First, congratulations to Monoma and Todoroki for winning."

He paused for a second while the class clapped and congratulated Todoroki, then continued.

"Now, usually we only offer internships to second and third year students due to the dangers that can present. However, it has been decided that you're all capable enough to take internships."

Denki put his hand up.

"Yes Kaminari?"

"What're internships?"

"During internships you will be working with a pro hero of your choice for a week. For these internships you will need to choose a hero name. While this can be changed later, it's strongly advised that you stick with whatever name you pick now."

The noise in the room rose as they turned to talk to eachother, discussing what names they might pick. Aizawa groaned and rolled under his desk. Just then, Midnight and Mic walked in, successfully silencing the class.

"What's up listeners! Me and Midnight are going to be helping you choose hero names. Iida, Yaoyorozu, do you mind passing these whiteboards around?"

Iida stood up, taking a pile of whiteboards from Midnight while Momo took the rest from Mic, passing them out to the class.

"Oh, picking hero names is so exciting!! Do you remember when you picked yours Mic?"

Mic chuckled a little.

"Why of course, how could I forgot? Especially when Eraser trusted me enough to pick his too!"

The heroes chatted between themselves for a few minutes before turning back to the class.

"Anyone got anything yet?"

The class stood up one by one- the more confident of them going first. Most names were accepted- with the exception of Bakugou, who would definitely regret 'Lord Explosion Murder' in the future.

Also yes, in this fic Mina is Alien Queen because that name is completely acceptable.

Bakugou seemed to be struggling with his hero name. He had many ideas, he had wanted this since he was a kid, but most of them either had... colourful language in them, or 'weren't appropriate.'

Izuku noticed his dilemma and grinned, walking over to his desk.

"Having trouble here Kacchan?"

"Shut up, I don't need your shitty help"

"Yeah yeah sure you don't, give me that."

He took the board from Bakugou, writing on it quickly before handing it back, but faced away from Bakugou so he couldn't read it.

"I dare you to use that as your hero name."

"Are you an idiot? I don't even know what it is."

"Just take it to the front? Pleaseeee? For me?"

And who could say no to that.

With a lot of reluctantness, Bakugou walked to the front of the room with his board facing the floor, still not looking at it. When he was at the front he hesitated for a moment before lifting it up.

He didn't even have it fully lifted before people started laughing. Iida went bright red, Momo covered her mouth with her hand to try hide it, Denki was taking pictures and Izuku had the biggest shit eating grin on his face.

Midnight was basically rolling on the floor with laughter. Mic looked at Bakugou awkwardly.

"Um... It's a little inappropriate don't you think?"

Bakugou, still completely oblivious, flipped his board so he could see it.

'Kacchan the Kinky'

He threw it at Izuku, who dodged pretty easily.

"I'm going to fucking end you."

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