Hero Names

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Thanks to shotaro-saturday- / nicotne_adct for the idea for Hitoshi's hero name!


The meetup with Yasu was tomorrow night.

Aizawa had asked Hitoshi and Izuku to stay after class, and so Izuku sat there, clicking his pen nervously.

When the bell rang he basically pushed the rest of the class out of the classroom and slammed the door shut on them.

For a second Aizawa was tempted to retreat into his sleeping bag, but he was in a good mood so decided against it.

"I'll get straight to the point. You two need hero names"

Izuku and Hitoshi looked at eachother, panicked. Neither of them had even thought about that.

"Oh my god- Toshi what do we do"

"This isn't good we're totally screwed. Oh, this is it. Our hero careers are over before they even began"

They started spiralling before Aizawa whacked them both on the back of the head.

"Shut up. If you don't pick, I'm sure Yama would pick for you. He picked mine too"

And that's how they ended up in Mic's classroom at their break.

"Ohhh. So you want me to pick you hero names?"

The two nodded.

"I don't know.. getting a hero name from me is a pretty big deal you know"

Izuku groaned, and decided to attack Mic's weak spot.

"Please, dad! You'd be helping me out a ton!"

Mic's eyes lit up and he smiled widely, moving from behind his desk and pulling Izuku into a hug.

"Well, I can't say no when my dear child asks like that!"

"I'm not a child"

"Sure you're not! Anyway"

He pointed at Hitoshi.


And then to Izuku.

"And Atlas!"

Izuku looked confused, while Hitoshi looked at Nic with stars in his eyes.

"Atlas? Like the book?"

"No- do you know nothing about Greek mythology?"

"Why would I know about some religious cult from the pre quirk era"

"Izuku if child abuse was legal I would actually punch you right now."

Izuku decided not to test that theory, and grabbed Hitoshi's hand, pulling him out of the class.

The next day

UA Staff Chat

Mysterious: guysguys tonight the the first night of our internship. In 5 hours we will be actually on an actual internship with a super cool hero ?!??

Minizawa: I don't see why you're so excited, the dude honestly seems like an asshole

Mysterious: like I've not been around people worse than him before

Minizawa: touché

Hawks: Goodluck Izu and Hitoshi! I have patrol tonight so just call if you need me, I'll be there in a flash!

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