Family Reunion

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Credits to the people on the discord for helping out with the date idea. Idk your Wattpad accounts so I can't tag you- but you know who you are.

Izuku was nervous. Which was weird, considering their four main moods were 'Depression' 'Murder' 'Simp' and 'Anxiety'

It was an hour until their date with Monoma, and wow were his anxiety levels high!

He was sat on the sofa with Hitoshi and Shoto. They were talking about how the date would go.

"Izu? We are only taking him to the arcade, and then straight home. Got it?"

Izuku sighed. This was the 7th time Hitoshi had given him this lecture.

"Yesyes, I got it! Wow, you're really worried about this!"

"Izuku, for our first date you took me to a villain bar and joked about murdering me. Of course we're worried."

The greenette playfully glared at his boyfriend.

Just because it was playful doesn't mean it wasn't scary.

"Okay I got it! No villain bars or murder jokes!"

The two looked at him with doubt, which made him gasp in mock offence.

"You don't believe me!"


An hour later, and they were stood outside of Monoma's door. Izuku was about to knock, but Hitoshi stopped them and knocked instead. A few minutes later the door swung open, and they saw a woman a few years older than them dressed in short shorts and a sports bra.

"Huh? Who are you?"

There was a shout from somewhere further in the house.


Izuku decided to ignore that, and instead took a step forward and held out his hand.

"Hey! Nice to meet ya!"

The woman looked taken aback, but shook his hand.

Hitoshi got a bad feeling, so he did the only logical thing. Grabbed the back of Izuku's shirt and pull him back with no warning.

"Ow what the fuck Toshi"

"Don't tell me you didn't feel that."

"Chill out would ya? She was just using her quirk on me!"

Shoto looked confused for a second, then slightly scared, then angry as fuck. He turned to the woman.

"Oi. What's your quirk?"

"Why do I have to tell you?"

"You don't. Either you tell me, or I find it myself."

"Fucking hell. It's just a copy quirk, what are you so afraid of? Besides, what would Neito want with some quirkless loser anyway?"

Oh. Oh she done fucked up.

Shoto took another step forward with a huge smile on his face.

"You know, I'm think my dad, Endeavor, would be delighted to find out that someone used their quirk illegally on his sons partner. And broke quirk discrimination laws! Don't you?"

His smile turned sadistic, and he stared straight into the woman's eyes. She looked back, but said nothing. She didn't need to- you could tell from her eyes alone that she was terrified.

"You know, I have every reason to call him right now and get you arrested! Quirkist asshole."

Just then, Monoma appeared behind her.

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