The Semi Finals

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"No hard feelings yeah?"

Kiri held his hand out to Neito, who couldn't help but wonder whether the pun was intended.

Neito shook his hand, copying his quirk just incase.

And they split up, walking to either side of the stadium.

Once they were there, Sero and Ojiro had just finished their fight.

Sero passed Neito in the tunnel, and whispered in his ear as he walked past.

"Goodluck beautiful"

Neito turned to look at Sero, who walked away as if nothing had happened.

He huffed and turned back around, waiting to be called.

"And he will be against Monoma Neito of class 1-B!"

He walked out, looking as casual and non-panicked as he could, and looked at Kirishima who was stood across from him.

Mic counted down, and the fight had technically started, but neither made a move.

Kiri might seem like he just runs in to attack, but he wasn't stupid enough to go against someone who could have 3 different quirks.

Plus he'd feel bad about beating up Izuku's boyfriend after the boy was nice enough to help him with the changing room incident.

"Hey, Kirishima right? You're friends with those other 1-A losers aren't you?"

The redhead suddenly looked pissed. Which was weirdly out of character.

"Who are you calling lose-"

His eyes went blank, and all the tension in his body relaxed.

"Walk out of the circle."

And he did. He turned around and walked towards the edge of the circle, but half way there he started pushing back against the brainwashing.

It wasn't too bad though, so Neito just grit his teeth and dealt with it.

As soon as Mic announced him as the winner, he released Kirishima from his control and walked over.

They left the stadium together through the tunnel Kiri had come from.

"Sorry about that. I have to win this"

"No hard feelings! That was so manly!"

"You're not hurt are you?"

Kirishima looked a little surprised. I mean why wouldn't he be? The boy who very loudly voices hatred for class 1-A was worried about him.

"Yeah, totally fine!"

The rest of the walk back to the waiting room was in silence.

And while it wasn't awkward, as soon as they got back to the room Neito made a beeline back to the corner and sat on Hitoshi's lap, cuddling into him.

"Social interaction is scary."

Hitoshi chuckled and put an arm around Neito.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is."

The next matches went quite quickly, surprisingly.

Bakugou against Momo was an easy win for Bakugou. Momo didn't even have a chance to make anything before an explosion knocked her out of bounds. He did help her up and take her to recovery girl though. Even if there was a scowl on his face while he did it.

Against Iida, Uraraka barely stood a chance. She had little to no experience in hand to hand combat, so could barely block Iida's kicks. Eventually she was pushed out of bounds, not realising how close she had been to the edge.

The longest fight had been Hatsume Mei against Kendo.

Oh, poor Kendo.

Mei had used her as a walking advertisement. Showing off all of her 10 'babies' before stepping out of bounds and walking out of the stadium, straight back to the support course classroom to tinker with her 'babies.'

Kendo won, but it was bittersweet.

The next fight was Denki against Tsu. Everytime she had tried to attack with her tongue, he grabbed it and used it to shock her, then tried to throw her out of bounds. Eventually it worked. And he spent 20 minutes afterwards apologising.

Tokoyami versus Mina was arguably the fastest fight.

Even with all the lighting in the stadium, dark shadow was as strong fuck and attacked Mina before she could even register what had happened. She did spend a while dodging and dancing around the attacks, but eventually she tired out.

Tokoyami was on to the next round.

And the last fight?

Well, that's Shoto's. Kind of an important character so I guess we can go into details!

After spending the majority of the others fights thinking about strategies, Shoto was a man with a plan.

A very simple plan, but a plan nonetheless.

He stood across from Shiozaki.

"You seem like a wounded soul"

His eyes narrowed at her.


"Hurt. Tormented"

She held a look of sympathy.

Fucking sympathy.

And well, does anyone actually enjoy receiving sympathy from the person who was supposed to be beating them up?

As soon as Mic told them to start, he pulled his right arm back and pushed it foreward forcefully, encasing a large portion of the arena in ice.

For a moment there was silence.

Then cheers, from everyone.

Even the people who's view was blocked by the ice. Which was most of them.

Midnight stepped towards the ice, stopping when she realised there was no point in getting close.

"Shiozaki, can you move?"

When the hero didn't receive an answer, she took that as a no.

"Okay, Todoroki wins! You can let her out now"

He looked up at the ice, and couldn't help but feel guilty for going just a little bit overboard.

"Midnight-sensei. I can't melt all of this ice without using my fire."

She looked confused for a second before realising the problem, making an 'o' face.

"Uhhhh. Okay! We can fix this! Enji is here right?"

He nodded.

"Perfect. I'll announce the 10 minute break, and you bring your old man to melt this! Tell him to hurry, poor Shiozaki must be freezing!"

So, he spent his break locating his father, helping him escape from fans, dealing with the extremely annoying shouting of his name, then telling him he needed to go fix his sons fucky wucky.

What a great way to spend his break, don't ya think?

Well, by the time the break was over the ice was gone, so that's a plus.

Then, the first fight was Sero against Iida.

Sero had won, to everyone's surprise.

At the start of the match he had said something that made Iida pause and go a shade of deep red. He took advantage of that and used his tape to fling Iida out of bounds.

When they got back to the waiting room they were harassed about what exactly it was that Sero said, but everytime he was asked Iida ended up a mess. Sero just dodged the question with a 'Wouldn't you like to know?' and continued on with whatever conversation he was having at the time.

In the next round Denki had beat Kendo pretty easily.

He just kept his distance and attacked from afar. She hadn't even a chance to get one punch in.

Next was Tokoyami versus Shoto.

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