1-A Bonding

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It was lunch, and 1-A were sat at their usual table. But the cafeteria was dead silent. The assembly from earlier was weighing heavily on everyone, and they knew they'd have to talk about it eventually.

So, after they were all finished eating and realised they still had 15 minutes until class, Mina took the opportunity to speak.

"Okay. This needs to be talked about, it's way too awkward."

A few people around the table nodded, and this time Kirishima spoke. But instead of being his usual, outgoing self he was quiet and seemed nervous.

"Um.. maybe we should discuss boundaries? Like triggers. It's clear from the assembly that a lot of us probably have lines that shouldn't be crossed"

There were nods of agreement, but nobody made a move to do anything. That was until Denki spoke.

"I'll go first then, and we can go clockwise around the table."

He paused and took a deep breath.

"I don't mind physical contact, just.. don't call me stupid, or any other names. And please don't treat me like an idiot when I overuse my quirk.."

He turned to look at the person next to him, we was Kirishima.

"Uh.. as long as no homophobic or transphobic jokes are made I should be fine. Oh, and no comments about useless quirks."

Kirishima turned and looked at the person next to him. Bakugou. Surprisingly, Bakugou looked at the table and spoke quietly.

"Can I go last?"

Mina, who was sat on the other side of him nodded.

"Sure! I guess it's my go then. No comments about my appearance please.. Okay, your go Yaomomo!"

And they went around the table, each person saying things they were uncomfortable with. Eventually it got to Hitoshi.

"Don't touch me without telling me before. Don't ask about my past, or call me evil, or a villain."

He looked to the person next to him, which happened to be Izuku.

"Y'all want the whole list or the shortened version? Nah, I'm kidding. Don't sneak up on me, or touch me without warning. Loud noises, especially screaming, are a no-go, but I get that if it's your quirk you can't help it. Okay, you're up Sho!"

Shoto rolled his eyes and leant back a little, leaning on his hands.

"Uhh- boiling water. Don't ask. Also- don't mention my mother."

And he was the last. Well, one person hadn't gone yet.

Everyone turned to look at Bakugou, who was looking down and fiddling with his hands.

"I- uh- I don't want to be told how cool or flashy my quirk is. And don't hit me, not unless it's training. Not even jokingly"

The class all nodded. They silently agreed to respect each others boundaries, and never cross them.

All of a sudden the bell rang. A few people around the table flinched hard, not bothering to try and hide it like they usually would.

And with that, lunch was over.

That day, Izuku walked home feeling like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. When he was in his room, he turned on his phone and opened the staff chat.

UA Staff Chat

Handjob: -and that's why attacking UA would be reasonable

System: Mysterious is online

Mysterious: if you do so much as look at anyone in my class I will kill you slowly and painfully

Kinky~: well damn

Dadzawa: does this have anything to do with whatever you were talking about at lunch?

Denki Kaminari: indeed it does sensei!

Master Chef: man I could feel the tension from that conversation and I was all the way in the kitchen

Handjob: Izuku, you do realise that I am a villain right? It's sort of in the company policy that I have to hurt people

Mysterious: but not these people, because I promise you I will go back to being a vigilante, and you will be at the top of my hit list.

Crispy: ooh, looks like you pissed the kid off Tomu. It's fine, they never said I can't hurt the hero brats.

Todoroki Shoto: no, but I did. Touch them and I will rip your staples out one by one while burning your burns.

Denki Kaminari: aw, you guys really do care about us!

Floof: I don't.

Mysterious: bullshit.

Hawks: I can smell the bs all the way from my agency

Better #1: he reminds me of how Aizawa was in school.

Cockatoo: yeah- he was always up our asses about being reckless

Better #1: he was literally up your ass

Kinky~: If only it happened that soon

Dadzawa: I didn't care about any of you fuckers.

Cockatoo: sure ya didn't Sho!

Dadzawa: Oboro was the one that cared

Vape Cloud: you totally cared! Remember when you left your umbrella to protect the cat even though it was raining? You protected even animals!

Dadzawa: .. I also vividly remember you stripping in the middle of the class and pulling that cat out of your ass

Vape Cloud: it was out of my cloud, not my ass. And of course you'd remember it in detail with how much you were staring

Dadzawa: what? Who wouldnt stare, you were naked and dripping right infront of me.

Mysterious: title of your sextape

Vape Cloud: you could have looked away

Dadzawa: what if I didn't want to?


Kinky~: Aizawa is such a natural flirt that he doesn't even realise he's doing it.

Dadzawa: what? No I definitely know what I'm doing


Mysterious: so this is where Toshi gets his flirtiness from

Todoroki Shoto: if by flirtiness you mean talking about sex right infront of my soba then yes

Floof: like you didn't enjoy it

Evil Rat Genius: watching the student's faces when I announced the rule of no sex talk during lunch was indeed funny!

System: Mysterious has changed Floof's name to Minizawa

Minizawa: what the fuck Izu

Mysterious: oops?

Cockatoo: LMAO IT FITS



Minizawa: betrayed

Dadzawa: what's all the noti- oi kid change his name back.

Mysterious: how about you chase me, for old times sake?

Dadzawa: no

Mysterious: then let me tell you in excruciating detail how Hitoshi is in bed

System: Dadzawa is offline

Mysterious: such a spoilspo- OH SHIT HES HERE

System: Mysterious is offline

Better #1: kid really knows which buttons to press to piss Aizawa off

This part isn't as good but writers block🙂

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