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Marry him

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Marry him

I couldn't stop think my about what Hawat said. I could never see myself with a Harkonnen. I couldn't even see myself getting married right now, especially not to somebody I didn't know.

But then I remembered what he said about resolving the conflict between our Houses. I realized he was right, a marriage to connect us would force political conflict to resolve itself. I considered what would happen if the conflict continued... Would another Harkonnen be sent to assassinate the Duke? Would more people die? Would my family die?

"Did you catch that?"

Paul's voice interrupted my thoughts. I blinked and followed his gaze to the centre of the room to our lesson.

"No, sorry." I shook my head and quickly did a once-over of my notes.

"The Fremen have to walk without rhythm to mimic the natural movement of the winds." He gestured to the visuals in front of us demonstrating the walk.

"Oh..." I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"

He chuckled. "Wow, you really weren't paying attention, were you?"

I sighed and shook my head, embarrassed. "If at least one of us is paying attention then I can call it a day."

He rolled his eyes. "They have to walk like that because if they don't it'll attract the Sandworms. They're these huge, four-hundred metre long worms that will swallow anything that attracts them with vibrations."

"Four-hundred metres long?" I repeated and made a face. "That can't be true."

Paul nodded and grinned. "It almost sounds fake, I know. It's real, though. We have to know this stuff if we're going to be living on Arrakis."

His words brought me back to the reality in which we were set to leave Castle Caladan in two days. Paul's grin faded as the thought began to settle with him too.

"We're going to have lots of fun on Arrakis," I assured him with a sad smile. "I trust you'll learn enough to keep us both alive. Between the two of us you've always been the brains."

"Bold of you to assume I'll be giving you pointers." He mocked and shoved my shoulder with his. "If I'm the brains, what are you?"

I made a face as if the answer were obvious. "I'm the brawn, duh."

Paul threw his head back in laughter. "Please, I'm the brains and the bronze."

I raised a brow and mimicked him. "Really? Then what does the make me?"

"The beauty." He darkened his expression and he licked his lips in a dramatic and playful way.

I felt the heat reach my cheeks and I hit his arm, letting out a nervous laugh. I knew he was joking with me but for some reason I couldn't help but feel a small tickle in the centre of my chest.

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