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Clouds of sand filled the air, making it difficult to see further than just a few feet ahead of me

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Clouds of sand filled the air, making it difficult to see further than just a few feet ahead of me. I could tell we had passed the barrier shield and began to enter a building, perhaps a part of the palace, as the light being reflected through the sand-filled air disappeared and instead was swallowed by the darkness of the poorly lit interior.

The dust began to settle and I could see the many soldiers, Saudakar, and Harkonnens on the other side of the room, facing the way we came. No one was charging anymore, but the Fremen crept forward, not too slowly, but simply moving forward calculatedly.

Paul led the front. While everyone else remained alert, Paul walked straight ahead with powerful strides and I followed his gaze to see where his focus had narrowed. Hidden on the other side of the room behind a line of soldiers was the Baron.

The soldiers parted for Paul as if expecting him to say or do something. The Baron's eyes widened, clearly fearful, but he quickly covered his features with a smug smile.

Paul had reached the Baron who opened his mouth as if to speak, but Paul's blade had already sliced cleanly across his throat. The Baron made a choking sound before falling backwards onto himself and the floor.

There were audible gasps, likely from myself as well. I blinked and pulled myself together, reminding myself that the Baron deserved this. For what he did to House Atriedes. For what he did to Leto Atriedes. Both of them.

The Saudakar reacted quickly as if to reach for Paul, but the Fremen behind him were faster, quickly disarming the guards before they could do any harm.

The room was still and silent once again. Paul focused his attention on the side of the room where an older gentleman, the Emperor, stood. He stared at Paul, challenging his strong gaze, but you could tell from his posture and tense muscles that this man was afraid.

"You know why I've summoned you here," Paul said loudly to the Emperor, "I assume you will not be fighting for yourself. Who will represent you? Who will fight me?"

Summoned? Fight? What was he talking about? And why didn't I know?

The Emperor was quiet for a moment. "Are you sure this is-"

"I am sure." Paul lowered his gaze at the older man, his eyes darkening. "I have summoned you here to challenge you for your role as Emperor. Either you will fight me or you will have someone fight in your place."

Paul wanted to be Emperor? When did he decide this? Why did he want this? Why was I so confused?

The Emperor motioned to his side, and a familiar tall pale face stepped out towards Paul.

Both the Fremen and the Harkonnens lined up against the walls as Feyd-Rautha and Paul met in the center. My stomach turned, unsettled by the uncertainty of the situation. Why didn't Paul tell me about any of this? Will I have to watch one of these two die? Why would Paul want to be Emperor?

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