book cover contest

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hey guys! sorry - not an update. but now is the time you guys have been waiting for... voting!! i recieved so many beautiful covers, thank you all so much!!

voting - so i've considered how i want to do this, and this is what i think i've decided on

1. everyone gets 3 votes. you can use all 3, or maybe only 1, or not at all if you don't want to vote. but everyone gets a max 3 votes. (these votes are not ranked. the winner will be picked based on who has the most votes)

2. the way the voting will work is that i'm going to include all of the covers in this chapter and you will have to comment on the cover you want to win. i will not be counting how many comments a cover has but the individual accounts that vote on it. (ps. what you comment doesn't matter, you can comment something like 'vote' if you want)

3. please be nice and follow the rules. i will leave the voting open for the next few days (i will specify when it ends as we get closer to it) if you have an extra questions just ask them right here!

i STRONGLY recommend you look through all of the submissions (12 total) before you begin to vote. there are a lot to go through, it might even be easier to view on a laptop or ipad than your phone. take a minute to think before you vote!

have fun and happy voting!


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