forty five

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Paul was incredibly busy making arrangements for any and all upcoming conflicts

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Paul was incredibly busy making arrangements for any and all upcoming conflicts. He was making negotiations with the Naib of the current sietch to group together so we would have more power. It was odd to see this side of him; powerful, commanding, and in charge. He had complete confidence in what he was saying, what he wanted, and how he was going to get it.

"I'm not telling you to work with us," Paul told his comrade, "I'm asking, and advising, that we work together. I don't want to see your people become prisoners to the Harkonnens any more than I want my sietch to make it out of this alive."

The Naib straightened and eyed him. "We will fight with you since you are so insistent on it. Don't let this be the wrong choice, or we may never trust you with the lives of my people again."

I watched Paul nod and walk away from their round table and make his way to me. Paul's gaze softened as he met my eyes, his harsh and cold front melting just slightly for me. "At least we have some allies now. I'm hoping that my message will have reached home and your father has attempted to make some connections."

We wanted to rush back home as quickly as possible to make war plans, knowing that the trip would take several hours. But Paul was insistent we solidify any plans with the Naib that harboured us before anything, not only to recognize their hospitality but also to protect them, not only us.

"I'm sure both of our parents are doing their best. It is going to be okay, Paul." I attempted to reassure him, but I don't know how convincing my words could be.

Lady Jessica immediately departed for home once we knew what needed to be done. It has been a few hours since, so we could only hope she has been able to make some kind of progress in alliances or securing our soldiers.

He gave me a small smile. "I know it will be okay as long as I know you're safe."

Paul had yet to share what he truly experienced during his transformation, but I know something is different. He has changed, in what way I don't know. But he always seems to be one step ahead, as if he knew what was going to happen. He even looked older, wiser. It made me wonder if he saw me as foolish. 

I giggled at his cute words of comfort. It made me feel young and in love again with no worry of impending war. 

Paul's eyes narrowed and he gave me a look of seriousness. "I'm being honest, Lia. I care about you too much to have to worry about your safety. I won't be able to focus or lead a war if I know you're in danger."

I gently kissed his cheek, my heart warm. It felt like it has been a while since I was reminded of how much he loved me, but this definitely did it. "I will be safe, Paul. Please don't worry about me."

He grabbed my chin and kissed me properly, holding us there for a moment. I missed how good he tasted and felt myself melting under his touch.

"I will always worry." He breathed and kissed my forehead. "Let's get going soon, yeah?"

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