thirty four

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"Is she going to wake up?"

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"Is she going to wake up?"

"You've got be patient, her body went through a lot of trauma. She needs time."

"She looks so pale. I don't think she's meant to be that pale."

"We've already done everything we can."

"Don't worry, she's strong. She'll wake up. I know it."

I could hear several voices speaking around me in hushed whispers, though I wasn't able to identify who was speaking.

I was suddenly aware of the sharp pain coming from my abdomen. It ached with each inhale. I groaned and flinched as the feeling pinched my insides.

I heard a gasp from beside me and opened my eyes. I blinked as I adjusted to the bright light in the room and could make out the figures of people standing over me.

"Ophelia, can you hear me?" I realized it was Stilgar speaking to me. He bent down at the side of where I lay and his face came into focus.

"Yes." I croaked as if I hadn't spoken in years. I attempted to sit up but several hands pressed against my shoulders to keep me down.

"It's okay." A small woman spoke from my other side. "Let her move. Her body is strong."

The wrinkles underneath her eyes gave away her age, and her blues eyes let me know she was Fremen. I was made aware of my surroundings which were composed of dirt walls and carpet dividers.

"Where are we?" I asked, even though I already knew as I eyed the small room.

"Arrakis." Stilgar answered again. "We came straight here after we rescued you."

I scanned the room to see multiple people watching over me. Lady Jessica stood in the corner eyeing me with concern. Seeing her now I realized how big her stomach had gotten since I last saw her. To her side was Paul. The two of us made eye contact but I was quick to look away.

"What happened?" I asked to no one in particular.

"You were shot." Chani told me with worried eyes which flickered to my stomach.

"Yuma?" I asked, but I knew the answer.

They were quiet, keeping their eyes low. My heart sunk as I replayed her death in my mind. The rescue, the fighting, the spilling of blood...

"We agreed that her water should belong to you." Stilgar held something out in his palm to me. "These are water rings. Use them to-"

"I don't want her water." I shook my head and grimaced. "Give it to someone who needs it. Someone who is dying, I don't know." I dabbed at the corner of my eyes to stop the water from spilling. "Just not me."

"Okay." He said quietly and lowered his hand, taking a step back. "We'll save Yuma's water for our ill and injured."

We sat in a silence until the healer spoke next. "Whatever you were shot with was a low caliber bullet. My guess is that you were shot from close enough that the bullet had enough energy to pass straight through you and leave an exit wound." She gestured to the bandage on my stomach. 

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