thirty three

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I paced back and forth in my room- no, this wasn't my room because this place wasn't my home

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I paced back and forth in my room- no, this wasn't my room because this place wasn't my home. So I paced back and forth in this bedroom and tried to come up with a plan.

What was I supposed to do next? Could I escape like last time? No, Feyd would be expecting that. Did I play along and pretend I'm in love with him?

My hands went to my stomach. Maybe it was all in my head but I could have sworn I felt something. I moved to face the mirror and lifted my shirt just high enough that I could see the

I spotted something from the corner of my eye. It was a glowing light coming from underneath my dresser. I bent over to retrieve it and realized it was my bracelet.

The grey rock was pulsing with light. I stared at it curiously, wondering if it was broken. I slipped it back onto my wrist and the glowing stopped.

I hovered my other hand over the bracelet hesitantly, wondering if I should touch it. It wouldn't do anything anyway, it was probably broken, right? I highly doubted that Paul would be wearing his bracelet anyway.

My fingers brushed the rock impulsively. I quickly recoiled my hand, embarrassed at having touched it. I tried to peel my eyes away from the bracelet but my eyes remained glued to it as I waited for something to happen. Paul wasn't paying attention though. He probably wasn't even wearing his bracelet so why bother?

Then it glowed. The precious small grey rock held by the thin string of the bracelet on my wrist glowed. After everything, it still glowed. He still thought of me.

But then it glowed again, on and off. I watched the flashing light with calculating eyes. The pattern was almost rhythmic. Almost as if it were trying to tell me something.

The opening of the door pulled me from my thoughts and I jumped at the feeling of hands grabbing my shoulders. My eyes widened in panic and instinctively I raised my arms to fight off the perpetrator but froze at the sight of who it was.

"Shhh," Yuma hissed. "It's just me."

"Yuma?" I stared at her in shock. "What- how did you get here? What are you doing here?"

"You've been here almost 20 hours, I'm sorry it took us so long. I was so worried. Did he hurt you, Ophelia?" She demanded and scanned me up and down. "Are you hurt?"

"20 hours..." I muttered to myself as I realized how fast time had passed.

Yuma checked over my body as if she were looking for any injuries. "It only took us a few minutes to realize you were missing. We found the Fremen that took you, should have seen what happened, Sir Paul started yelling and making rescue plans immediately. I've never seen someone so unhinged and desperate."

I was still trying to process that Yuma was here, right in front of me. Her words passed through me and I nearly jumped on her in a hug. My friend. My best friend. She was here to save me like the badass she was.

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