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just a suggestion if you want but try listening to wait by m83 (above) when you get to the second part of the chapter :)

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just a suggestion if you want but try listening to wait by m83 (above) when you get to the second part of the chapter :)


"What did you get up to yesterday?" Lady Jessica asked me. "I couldn't find you anywhere in the palace."

The two of us were seated in one of the main living areas of the palace. I sat across from her on a loveseat, reading one of my books.

I shrugged innocently. "That's weird. Maybe it was because I spent my day in the training quarters before taking a long nap before dinner."

I thought back to yesterday. The image of Feyd-Rautha came to mind and I recalled our brief interaction. Our conversation continued for the next half hour with him asking me open-ended questions and me responding with curt answers. He had made his intentions clear, but it wasn't enough for me to trust him just yet. It wasn't done with him, either. I thought about my next meeting with Feyd-Rautha.

"You don't have to decide anything today." He assured me. "You could even take the whole week. Two, for all I care. If want to see you soon, though. Let me get to know you more. Let you get to know me."

"I'm glad to hear you're keeping busy and active." She smiled.

I wondered how she would react if she knew the truth? What if she already did? What if she wanted me to marry the Harkonnen for the sake of House Atreides? What if she could see through my lie?

"I know I shouldn't be concerned, but I truly hope you're not finding yourself bored here." She gave me a look, as if she was asking for my honesty.

I hesitated, not wanting to lie more than I have to. "It's been an adjustment."

"Paul misses you greatly," She added. "He's not used to being without you. So if you're adjusting to him not being around, I want you to know that its the same for him."

I didn't say anything, but she was right to say that it reassured me Paul not only wanted me here, but he missed my presence. I wondered what special shadowing he would be doing right now. Was he sitting in on a meeting with the Duke? Flying over worm-territory? Training with my father?

"I've been meaning to speak with you," Lady Jessica spoke again, her tone turning serious.  "about something a bit serious."

I tensed, but set my book down and shifted to face her. Did she somehow find out about my trip to Giedi Prime? Was she going to tell me to marry him? To not marry him?

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She crossed her legs and leaned closer to me, lowering her voice.

"The other day, when I asked you how you knew the caretaker was an intruder," She said, referencing the incident back on Caladan. "You said you just knew."

I nodded in agreement. Strangely enough, I also felt my body relax. This had nothing to do my possible future marriage and my desire to help settle political conflict.

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