twenty four

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I tensed and scanned my surroundings as I allowed my combat training to take over

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I tensed and scanned my surroundings as I allowed my combat training to take over. I immediately noticed several pairs of blue eyes hiding behind rocks.

Yuma's expression and fierceness reminded me that she was Fremen too, which also meant she was exceptionally skilled in combat. Definitely more than me. It was a trait I often lost sight of after watching her handle so many mundane chores from day to day.

My thoughts travelled to below my belly where I was reminded of the possible signs of life inside me. I felt a strange mix of fear and defence, not because I feared for my own safety but because I wanted to protect whatever it was my body was in the process of creating.

"Show yourselves!" Yuma yelled. "We will not threaten you if you do not threaten us."

Slowly but surely, the many pairs of bright blue eyes began to rise to reveal the several Fremen in our presence. I quickly counted them and made a mental note of the five Fremen that stood around us. They all worse Stillsuits just as us, except theirs were definitely well used while ours appeared basically new in comparison. It made sense, I'm sure they wore their Stillsuits almost constantly.

Yuma spoke again with confidence. "If you seek our water, we will not hand it over to you, nor do we have any worth sparing."

A few of them exchanged looks as if they considered what Yuma had said, but most eyes fell to the short woman standing in the middle of them. She was older, likely nearing the same age as my father but her movements and behaviours told me she was just as youthful as I, maybe if not more.

"You're Fremen." The small woman spoke. She said it as a remark, not a question.

Yuma nodded and raised her chin proudly. "I am. My name is Yuma."

The woman's eyes flashed to me. "But she is not."

"She saved my life," Yuma added quickly in defence and power, as if her tone was warning the woman not to challenge her. "She is with me. I'm seeking the guidance of my fellow Fremen to lead us to their community. We are searching for refuge."

"Refuge from whom?" She demanded.

"House Harkonnen."

The woman's gaze flipped between the two of us for a moment as she considered this.

"Fine." She answered. "We'll lead the two of you back to our sietch. Our Naib will decide your fate."

I swallowed, unsure whether this meant they had accepted me or if they were allowing me to live to satisfy Yuma. Regardless, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing I'd live to see another day.

"What's your name, girl?" The woman asked me with curious eyes.

I could feel all eyes on me. "My name is Ophelia."

The woman nodded. "Ophelia, my name is Ramoe."

I nodded, my eyes moving across the other Fremen who stared down at me.

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