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We weaved our way through the tall and colourful rock to no destination in particular

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We weaved our way through the tall and colourful rock to no destination in particular. Paul insisted on taking the lead so I let him and followed his path. We took our time as we walked slowly, admiring the beauty of nature's creation.

"I never knew rocks could look like this." I said, referencing the several shades of orange and brown that surrounded us. I looked upwards towards the sky, amazed at how the foundation caved inwards and towered over us.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" He smiled at me. "I knew you'd love it."

I smiled back at him, my heart feeling warm. I couldn't explain it but there was something about being with Paul, experiencing all of these beautiful things and going on all of these amazing adventures with my best friend... It was a kind of fulfillment I never knew I could feel.

We moved forward and I found myself staring at the back fo his head, almost wishing I could see straight through his head of hair so that I could see his beautiful face. Everything about him was beyond compare, I could find no flaws in someone so perfect.

He was the first to break the silence. "I missed you yesterday." He said from ahead, not turning around to face me.

His comment made me blush. I knew that I missed him, but for him to admit he missed me? That made my insides feel all sorts of funny.

"Really?" I asked shyly. "I wasn't sure if you did."

He looked back and sent me a look that was both playful and confused. "Why wouldn't I miss you?"

We reached a clearing that spanned out to the sides. It gave us a nice opening to walk through. Paul took a side along one of the sides of the clearing and motioned for me to take the seat beside him.

I sat down beside him. "Um, I guess I just didn't know what you think about the other night..."

I looked away, embarrassed to have said that out loud. I cursed myself silently. Why would you bring that up? Do you want to hurt your own feelings?

"What do I think about the other night?" He repeated as if it were obvious. "Lia," He breathed. "I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about you."

Those words rang through my ears. Couldn't stop thinking about me? What did he mean?

I looked over and met his eyes. "We never really talked about it afterwards... I guess I just assumed you regretted it-"

He looked up and let out a small laugh. "That night with you, I..." He looked at me again, his eyes softening. "I would trade the world to experience that again."

This wasn't the answer I was expecting to hear, but boy did it make me feel good. I couldn't resist the urge to smile.

Paul scooted closer to me, our shoulders touching. "Every day, all day, all I think about is when I'll get to see you next." He leaned over and told me in a whisper.

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