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someone asked for a picture of what i imagine feyd-rautha to look like so this gif of ezra miller was the closest i could find but ultimately i want to leave it up to your imagination! happy reading

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someone asked for a picture of what i imagine feyd-rautha to look like so this gif of ezra miller was the closest i could find but ultimately i want to leave it up to your imagination! happy reading


The light pouring in from my bedroom window was bright enough to wake me up that morning. I blinked a few times and opened my arms wide to stretch when the events of last night came back to me.

My cheeks flushed and I looked over to see my bed empty, no sign of Paul or his clothes. I sat up straight in my bed, conflicted on how to feel.

Was last night wrong? Were we both acting impulsively, our hormones finally taking control? Did the spice from the sand somehow escape the jar and effect us?

My eyes lingered on the empty side of my bed where I expected Paul to be this morning. He left without any notice or goodbye, no note or message. What was he thinking? Did he regret his actions? Was he ashamed? Did he spend the night with me because he wanted me, or was it because he wanted someone?

My last thought made me nervous. What if that was the case? What if Paul acted the way he did because he had spent his entire life without any kind of romance. What if I was just a convenience?

But when I replayed last night over again in my mind I couldn't imagine wanting anything else. Everything about it just felt right. Being with Paul felt right. The way he touched me and held me... it all felt right.

I looked over at the clock and realized I had to be on one of the aircrafts shortly. I quickly got myself dressed before making my way to the warehouse where we kept our thopters to meet with Duncan and Yuma.

I had decided to meet again with Feyd-Rautha, that is, before last night. Whatever it was that happened between Paul and I, was that enough to sway my decision? Was it a reason to stay? To go?

Yuma insisted she come along for the trip because she wanted to make sure I would be alright. I was silent the entire trip, my mind numb as I tried to forget my concerns and focus on the matter at hand. The both of them made attempts at small talk with me but his words passed over my head so instead they conversed with each other.

I had never been with anyone before, and I knew Paul had never been with anyone before, either. Neither of us had ever had the chance to see anyone other than each other but it still blew my mind to think of how the tension broke last night...

The palace on Giedi Prime was as dark as always. Duncan followed me in like last time but remembered to stay back. I wasn't as nervous this time, I was determined. Feyd-Rautha showed me that he wasn't here to force some peace-agreement, but rather coordinate together to satisfy both of our needs.

To my surprise I wasn't led to his waiting chambers like last time. Instead I was brought to an open room lined with windows that touched the ceiling. On one wall was a display case of different knives and armour, a selection far greater than what I've seen from House Atreides.

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