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Paul strode ahead of me, not waiting for me to catch up

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Paul strode ahead of me, not waiting for me to catch up. I entered the Dinning Hall shortly after him and took my seat next to my father. The Duke and Lady Jessica had already found their spots near the head of the table. I sat across from Paul who avoided my eyes.

One would find it odd for a Warmaster and his daughter to be eating alongside the Atriedes family, but considering my dad's relationship to the Duke and the fact that we were the only two families in the Castle of Caladan, we preferred to spend our dinners all together.

My chair squeaked against the tile floor as I adjusted myself in my seat. Our parents seemed to be quieter than usual.

"I didn't realize you had a visit from your mother's Reverend Mother today." Leto spoke to Paul, who raised his head to face him. His voice was calm and monotone, but I could hear the coldness in his voice, almost as if it was directed at Lady Jessica for allowing the visit.

"Leto." Lady Jessica spoke with a warning voice, sending him a look.

My dad's eyes widened. "I wasn't aware of this either. You didn't mention it, Paul."

My friend let his eyes rest on the empty plate in front of him, not showing any emotion. "Well, there was nothing worth mentioning."

Paul was saved from further questioning by Islo's entrance. He made his way to the head of the table to serve Leto first.

"Thank you, Islo." Lady Jessica thanked kindly as the head chef made his way around the table.

Islo filled our lates before leaving us to our dinner, and silence fell as we all began to eat. After a few moments, I was the first to speak.

"Do you still sense the Emperor is growing nervous?" I asked slowly, taking another bite of my food.

This drew everyone's attention to the head of the table as they waited to hear his answer.

The Duke sighed and took a moment to consider his response. "I have a fear they will call upon the House of Atriedes soon. Maybe even sooner than we know."

He exchanged looks with Jessica who gently took his hand comfortingly. Political concerns continued to grow, and the tension was becoming more and more obvious. I looked back at Paul, but he avoided my gaze one more.

My father cleared his throat. "Well whatever they try to throw at you, I'll be by your side Leto."

The Duke smiled and gave a small nod of gratitude. "I appreciate your loyalty, Gurney."

Dinner continued without any further deep conversations. Paul didn't speak again, nor did he meet my eyes throughout the rest of dinner.

Once we were dismissed, Paul was quick to slip out of his chair and exit the Dinning Hall before I had the chance to chase after him. I went to follow him, but was held back by an arm on my shoulder.

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