City of Angels

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A sea of people pushed and shoved their way through the crowded terminal at LAX, families rushing to their gate quickly as to not miss their flight for the yearly family trip, tourists snapping pictures and laughing as they looked around, business men in suits speaking angrily into a phone as they stomped towards the ticket desk, and paparazzi waiting anxiously for whatever celebrity they had been notified would be arriving or leaving, all was merely background noise as one particular person stood at the baggage claim, his eyes filled with wonder.

The man was a peculiar sight, he was tall with all black clothing, a sleeve of tattoos, a shock of curly raven hair with the side shaved to resemble a sort of mohawk/mullet hybrid and a lip ring.

Lonny Eagleton was a musician who hailed from Canada, but after a few years of working within the Canadian music scene, he decided to take a leap of faith and move to Los Angeles.

He had a lot of studio work ahead of him and a tour coming up, so he was ecstatic.

Finally his bags came into view and he sighed in relief, grabbing them quickly before he made his way to the entrance to look for his friend, Beaux.

Beaux was a drummer he had done a couple of tours with over the years and had become good friends with. He already lived in LA which made the guitarist far less nervous about moving to a completely different country since he knew at least one person.

Beaux had agreed to meet to moving van that had traveled from British Columbia to California since they were arriving a few hours before Lonny and start moving a few things into his new apartment before he came to pick him up at the airport.

"Yo, Lonny!" A familiar voice called from behind him. The guitarist turned and smiled at the older man jogging over to him brightly, giving him a hug when he stopped in front of him.

"Hey man! Thanks so much for doing this, by the way. I really appreciate it." Lonny said earnestly as he pulled away.

Beaux grinned and waved him off.
"Dude, you would've done the same for me, now come on! Me and my buddy, CC were able to get most of your furniture in so we should head on down there to finish up."

Lonny stared at the drummer in surprise.
"Oh Beaux you um- you didn't need to do all that, especially your friend, I feel really bad, I just wanted you to make sure the van got th-" Beaux once again waved him off, throwing an arm around his shoulder as he guided him out the large glass doors and through the massive maze of a parking lot.

"Like I said, you would've done the same and besides, I've told Ceese all about you, he can't wait to meet you!" The drummer reassured, ruffling the younger man's hair affectionately.

After the two trailed through the rows of cars, they finally found Beaux's red jeep, they climbed in and pulled onto the highway, heading for the place Lonny would be calling home for the foreseeable future.


After over an hour of driving through the heavy traffic, Beaux finally pulled into the underground parking garage of Lonny's building and parked next to the guitarist's car that had been pulled on the back of the moving van.

"Home sweet home!" Beaux said with a laugh as he pulled open the back end of his car and grabbed a few of Lonny's bags for him. The younger man tended to pack excessively even when it was a short trip so Beaux knew he'd need some help carrying the luggage.

The younger man grinned as he looked around the garage, nodding as he walked around the car to grab his guitar cases because he didn't trust the movers to take his guitars to his apartment safely.

They got into the elevator and pressed the button marked four, making it light up and the door slid to a close.

"You excited to see your place in person with your shit in it?" Beaux asked as the elevator started moving.

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