Lovelines and Other Hippy Dippy Shit

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For once it was actually raining in Los Angeles, softly pelting against the window as Lonny stared out at the street below, ignoring the work he was supposed to be doing on his laptop. Beaux's band was in the studio for a new album and Lonny had agreed to help write and sort of produce all of the guitar sections in it.

Things had become simultaneously so much better and so much worse in his apartment. Andy had seemed to come back to himself after he opened up about his past relationship to the guitarist and Olivia, he was slowly but surely becoming the playful, teasing, confident man that he knew(and loved).

Olivia was staying over more; in fact, there were days where Lonny wondered if she had actually moved in. Not that he would mind... ok he would mind in the sense that he would be forced to be around the two people he was in love with twenty-four seven.

It was kind of nice to have the actress around all the time though, he and Andy tended to argue whenever they attempted to cook together, so Olivia was usually the one to join him in the kitchen and it wasn't as if she was freeloading or anything like that, she helped clean around the apartment(Andy loved cleaning so they usually did that together), pitched in with laundry and dishes and was generally very easy to get along with.

If it wasn't for Lonny's stupid feelings, he would suggest that Olivia just go ahead and officially moved in with them.

With his headphones off and the only sound being the rain, Lonny could just barely hear Olivia whistling as she presumably got ready to leave for set. He knew it was her because Andy had a night photoshoot that required him to leave at midnight and he still wasn't home(Andy couldn't whistle either so there was that).

Against his better judgment, Lonny stood up and walked out into the hall, following the sound of the whistling until he stopped in front of the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe, watching as Olivia washed her face.

The actress jumped slightly when she glanced up in the mirror and saw the guitarist. "Don't sneak up on me!" She exclaimed, turning back to playfully slap at his mostly bare chest, only covered by a loose muscle tee that dipped down low on his sternum.

"I wasn't sneaking! I just walked in here!" Lonny defended, raising his hands up in surrender as he let himself admire her.

"Yes you were, dick." She huffed, a smile playing at her soft, full lips as she turned back to the mirror to brush her teeth, rinsing the toothbrush under the faucet before she applied a line of toothpaste.

Lonny scoffed and shook his head. "When's Andy coming back?" Just as he asked this, the front door opened. "Never mind."

Andy stumbled through the apartment, completely exhausted. He was used to long days at a shoot, but long nights? That was something he did not enjoy. He looked around the apartment and saw Lonny standing outside the bathroom.

Lonny nearly jumped when he felt a face press into his shoulder and neck. "I'm so fucking tired." Andy groaned, nuzzling at the younger man's soft skin.

The guitarist felt like his entire body was on fire. "Long shoot?" He asked, desperately trying to sound casual as Olivia turned to look at them after rinsing the toothpaste from her mouth.

"So long, if I ever agree to do a night shoot again, fucking punch me!" Andy said, lifting his head so his chin rested against the sharp cap of Lonny's shoulder.

"I will happily oblige." Lonny snorted, hissing when Andy poked his side sharply.

"Shut up." Andy mumbled.

Olivia chuckled and shook her head. "I need to get going. Lonny, make sure Andy actually goes to bed, please?" She requested, raising up on her tiptoes to press her lips against Andy's and paused for a moment before she turned and kissed Lonny's cheek, then pulled away and slid past them.

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