I Did it My Way...or Whatever Frankie Said

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Andy had ended up staying at Jake and Jinxx's place that night, unable to deal with anything or anyone during that time.
He sent Olivia a text to let her know what he was doing, but left out all of the important details.

He couldn't tell her about Mike, at least not right now. Andy felt so much shame about that time in his life, he knew he shouldn't, he knew that it wasn't his fault that Mike treated him that way, he didn't deserve to be abused and he knew there was no reason to be ashamed to be a domestic abuse survivor...but he did feel ashamed, he did feel embarrassed.

He never wanted people to find out about what he went through or what Mike had done to him. Strangely enough, he felt relieved when he found out Jinxx knew, he no longer had this dark secret clawing at him and weighing him down.

Andy sat at the high back chair next to the window, sipping on a steaming cup of tea as he watched cars drive by on the streets below.

His phone rang softly on the small corner table next to him but he ignored it, he recognized the ringtone as the one he set for Olivia. He didn't want to ignore her, but he just needed to take some time to work through things before he spoke to her.

Jinxx was right, he needed to tell Olivia about all of that, but he was terrified. What if she ended up being just like- no... he couldn't bring himself to think about that, he couldn't let his mind spiral out of control with those thoughts.

'Fuck, I need to call my therapist.' He thought to himself, waiting until the ringtone finally went silent.

"Andy?" The model turned to look up at the violinist, smiling slightly at him.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked softly, Lennon was still asleep and Jake was probably a bit hungover so he wanted to stay quiet.

"You feeling ok?" Jinxx questioned, sitting down on the edge of the window seal so he could face Andy.

Andy took another sip of his tea and hummed. "Yeah I'm fine, just reliving all of that was...a lot." He whispered, staring down at the mug.

"I'm sorry, bud." The older man said, reaching out to smooth his hair affectionately, he was aware that their closeness would probably make people assume they were together, but Jinxx didn't really care. He wasn't affectionate with anyone except the people he cared about the most and Andy was just as much his kid as Lennon was as far as he was concerned.

Andy's nose crinkled in annoyance and he swatted Jinxx's hand away. "It's ok, honestly I feel better now that it's out in the open."

"Now that what's in the open?" Jake asked as he walked into the room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Andy and Jinxx shared a glance and the older man shook his head slightly. The last thing they needed was for Jake to track Mike down and stab him to death or some shit.

"My dick, I've started going commando." Andy said with a blank expression that broke out into a grin when Jake snorted.

"You're a jackass." The sound engineer laughed, walking into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee.

Andy was grateful he didn't have to go over this conversation for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, he leaned back in his seat and turned his attention to the window once more. His phone buzzed with a text notification, but he made no move to check it.

"You want me to see who it is?" Jinxx offered, already picking Andy's phone up and turning it on to see a text from Olivia.

'Hey just wanted to make sure everything was ok, I love you.'

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