Who Said I Cared if We Woke Him Up?

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This is what Olivia is wearing for the premiere

Beaux sat in his car in horrible traffic with Lonny sitting in the passenger seat, happily humming along to some 90's pop song that the drummer didn't recognize without a care in the world as they drove to CC's house to hang out.

They hadn't gone to Lonny's in a bit since Andy moved in, if Beaux were to be honest, he didn't think he'd be able to stay in the same room with that guy without wanting to punch him after everything Mike told him.

From what Lonny had told him, things weren't too bad other than some petty, childish behavior on both sides, which was better than nothing.

"Doon't goooo chaaassiinn' waterfalls!" Lonny sang along, making Beaux snort as the cars finally started moving and he was able to get onto the exit that lead to the older man's building.

They pulled into the parking lot outside of CC's apartment and walked up a flight of stairs since their friend only lived on the first floor.

Lonny knocked on the door and a loud, deep bark came from the other side. Lonny and Beaux both looked at each other before the door opened to reveal CC and a massive dog standing behind him.

"Pasta?" Lonny asked with a snort.

CC nodded with a smile and stepped aside to let them in, the great dane immediately walked over and shoved her giant head into Lonny's stomach, her tail wagging happily.

"She's cute!" Beaux said as he pat the dogs side, kissing the top of her head.

"Yeah, she had her spaghettios and people were adopting them but not pasta and she's such a sweet baby and I... I couldn't just leave her up there all by herself." CC said as he sat down on his couch, smiling when the oversized dog sat down on the floor next to him and flopped her head onto his lap.

Lonny smiled and shook his head as he sat down on the couch next to the older man, scratching the dog behind her ears as Beaux grabbed some beers and joined them in the living room.

"Well she seems more than happy to be here so I think you two will be good for each other." Beaux said as he handed both of them a drink.

"When are you leaving for tour again?" CC asked the other drummer as he sipped on his beverage.

"Next week, it's a shorter tour though, so I'll be home in a month and a half." Beaux said, he and his band were opening for Falling in Reverse and they were ecstatic.

"That should be fun, man." The older man said with a nod.

"You got any tours lined up yet?" Beaux asked the guitarist, twirling his beer bottle around in his hand.

"Not yet, I've been trying out for some artists, but none of them have gotten back to me. It's fine though, I've been doing a lot of studio work and since I've only had to pay half the rent, I haven't had to worry about money as much." Lonny said with a small smile and shrugged, he wasn't too worried about getting kicked out since he's gotten a roommate...even if it was Andy.

"Speaking of, how's things with him? He still driving you crazy?" CC inquired curiously.

"Well, last week I told him he couldn't smoke in the apartment and changed the TV to a different show while he was watching something." Beaux raised an eyebrow in surprise, the younger man never acted like this; he must really hate the other man, though he didn't blame him.

"And...?" CC pushed.

"He took the plate I was eating off of because it was his and stole the batteries from the remote." Lonny said blankly.

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