Ok, Not a Bad Day, Just a Dick.

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Lonny walked into his apartment, sighing in exhaustion after the long day at the studio before he kicked his shoes off and made his way into the living room, but paused as he noticed something that hadn't been there when he had left that morning.

It was a row of magazines sitting on one of the shelves that Lonny had left empty since he didn't know what to do with it. They definitely weren't his, there were Vogue issues from different countries including the US, some fashion magazines that he didn't know or recognize, and a few Alternative Press magazines which surprised him, but there was one common denominator from what he could tell based on some of the covers.

An insanely attractive man with black hair, a plethora of tattoos, piercing blue eyes and sharp angular features.

That must be Andy, fuck.

"Wow, he's very humble." Lonny mumbled under his breath with an eyeroll before he turned to walk into the kitchen to fix something quick to eat since he hadn't eaten since breakfast.

The guitarist glanced at the closed door that lead to his new roommate's bedroom, he wondered if he was in there. Lonny didn't see any sign of the other man so he might've gone out, though he didn't really care, the longer he didn't have to deal with that asshole, the better.

Lonny heated up some pizza rolls in the oven and grabbed some spinach, he didn't have any dressing so he'd just eat it plain.

Once his dinner was ready, he grabbed a water from the refrigerator and went back into the living room to watch a little TV as he ate. The guitarist flipped through the scrolled through Netflix before he settled on friends.

Lonny glanced around to see if there were any other items that belonged to his new roommate, but it would appear he had left the rest of the room untouched, well actually now that Lonny really looked, it appeared that the model had tidied up when he moved in; if it had been anyone else, the guitarist would've been appreciative, but since it was Andy and he was already well aware of his reputation, he didn't give a shit.

Lonny stood up and took his dirty dishes into the kitchen and put them in the sink, not bothering to rinse or wash them and went into his bedroom to grab some clean clothes so he could shower.

As he dug through his drawer for some underwear, he heard the front door open and paused, his ears strained to listen to the soft clink of keys hitting the counter and the rustling of fabric as the other man presumably took his jacket off, there was a long pause before he heard the faucet turn on and a gentle scrubbing noise before he heard the dishwasher open.

'Great. He's an ass and a clean freak.' Lonny thought with a huff.

He should probably go out there, he couldn't hide in his bedroom forever and he needed to shower.

With a sigh, Lonny stepped into the hallway and walked towards the bathroom only to freeze when the model came into view.

Andy glanced up and saw who he presumed was his new roommate, he offered him a smile and nodded.

"Hey, Lonny right? I'm Andy, nice to meet you." He greeted, he was surprised when the other man just stared at him completely stone faced for an uncomfortably long moment before he sighed.

"Yeah, that's me. I'm gonna take a shower." Lonny informed him shortly, not bothering with pleasantries as he turned into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

'What the fuck?' Andy thought to himself as he stared dumbly down the hall before he shook his head and turned to walk into his bedroom, unlocking the door and then closed it behind him.

He had literally just got here and the other man already didn't seem to like him, maybe he was annoyed that Andy had straightened up, or maybe it was the magazines he put on display, he wasn't sure why that would make his roommate angry, it was his apartment too now.

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