God, the Guitarist 😫🙌

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Dakota_Wonder the title is their fault, blame them.

Jinxx sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching Lennon as he splashed around in the water, squealing happily.

The front door opened and he didn't bother looking up, the only people who didn't knock before they entered the apartment was Andy and Jake, but Jake was making dinner, so that only left one person.

"Need any help with him?" The model's deep, gravelly voice asked from behind the violinist.

"You want to wash his hair for me?" Jinxx said as he turned to look at the younger man.

"Sure." Andy nodded, cooing at Lennon as he sat down, pouring shampoo into his hand.

"What's on your mind?" Jinxx asked as he watched Andy lather the product into his son's hair.

"I talked to my therapist yesterday." Andy said casually.

"What did she say?" The older man questioned curiously, grabbing a cup for the model to fill up to rinse Lennon's hair out.

"That I'm in love with Lonny and I should talk about having a polyamorous relationship with Liv." Andy shrugged.

"EX-FUCKING-SCUSE ME?" Jake screamed from the other room, running into the bathroom.

"Language." Andy said calmly, gesturing to Lennon.

"You can't just say that and not expect a reaction, Drew." Jinxx snorted, grabbing a towel from the counter to dry Lennon off.

"Why are you so calm about this?" The sound engineer questioned incredulously.

"You're going to look at me and tell me it doesn't make sense that Andy's in love with Lonny?" Jinnx asked with an eyeroll.

"Well yeah, but I never thought he'd actually admit it!" Jake exclaimed, gesturing wildly towards the younger man who stood up and wrapped Lennon in the fluffy towel.

The violinist chuckled. "Fair point."

Andy rolled his eyes and stepped around Jake to go into Jinxx's bedroom to get his god son dressed for bed.

"So are you going to do it?" Jake asked curiously, following him into the other room.

"I- I don't know. I know I should, I just don't know how to bring it up." Andy sighed, smiling when Lennon's nose scrunched up and he huffed in frustration as he tried and failed to put his shirt on by himself.

"Easy, mention that Lonny is looking very submissive and breedable and if she agrees, she'll be down for a throuple." Jinxx called from the other room, making Andy do a double take and laugh in surprise.

"I am not fucking saying that to her, Jinxx!" He yelled, his shoulders shaking with amusement.

"Then what are you going to say?" Jake asked, tilting his head to the side as he observed the younger man.

"And are you sure Lonny feels the same way? Like we all think he does, but it doesn't hurt to be sure." The violinist said as the others came back into the living room.

"I have no idea and we kind of got into a fight yesterday morning and he sort of accidentally admitted that he had feelings for both Olivia and I, so I think we're good on that front." Andy admitted quietly as he sat Lennon in his high chair. "Maybe I should just go on to Olivia's and get it over with?"

"Oof, have you talked to him since? He's probably mortified." Jake said, sitting down on the couch and beckoning Andy to join him.

"Nope, he hasn't been back to the apartment since he left yesterday and I haven't tried texting or calling him because... well you know why." The model shrugged, joining the older man on the couch and leaned his head back to rest against his arm that was draped over the back.

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