Don't Curse in Front of Lennon

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Lonny pulled up in front of a small studio in west Hollywood and parked in an empty space a few yards from it.

He was going to be working with Jake today, he had called Lonny and let him know what time he needed to be there and which song they would be tracking.

He pulled out his phone to message Jake when he saw three texts.

Ceesespieces: 'Break a leg man...or two, maybe that's more luck!'

Beaux Bevans: 'out of curiosity, it's a bad idea to go skinny dipping in lake Michigan, right?'

Dad: 'call me when you get out of the studio today, I want to hear all about it!'

Lonny smiled and shook his head before he replied to all of them.

'I'm here, which entrance?' Lonny texted the other man as he stepped out of the car and started walking down the sidewalk towards the building.

Instead of a reply, a man with black hair spiked up dramatically and two full sleeves of tattoos stepped outside the door and started looking around, Lonny assumed it was Jake and approached him.

"Jake?" He asked when he reached the man, he was a bit shorter than Lonny and very attractive, honestly he was his type, but the guitarist wasn't going to make things weird by hitting on the person he would be working with for the next few days.

A sparkling amber gaze met his own deep brown eyes and a smile spread across his lips.

"Hey! Lonny, right?" He asked, holding his hand out for the guitarist to shake.

Lonny took his hand and grinned. "It's nice to meet you, man. I hope I'm not late." He said as he followed the shorter man into the building and down a hall until they reached a recording room.

"You're actually a few minutes early." Jake chuckled as he pulled out a chair from the sound board and sat down on it.

"Oh sorry." Lonny apologized awkwardly as he moved to the amplifiers and sat down next to them, marveling at the preamps and pedals.

"Don't be, I prefer it when people are early, means they actually give a shit about what they're doing." The sound engineer said with a wave of his hand as he turned to the computer screen and started dragging the mouse around on its pad, clicking on things until he pulled up the demo he needed.

"Ok this is the song you're laying down, do you want to listen to it? I already layed down a rough guitar track, but I don't actually have time to properly record this shit because I'm mixing everything else." Jake explained, pulling out a headset and offering it to Lonny so he could listen.

Lonny placed one of the ear pieces against his ear and listened, the rough track was mind blowing, if this is what Jake could do in a pinch, he couldn't imagine what it would sound like if he had time.

"Holy shit, you shred!" Lonny exclaimed with a smile as he pulled the headset away.

Jake chuckled and shrugged. "Thanks, man. You think you can go ahead and lay that down for me? You can improv a bit if you want, the guys in the band just want something that will melt people's faces off, so they aren't too picky about how it's done." He said as he turned back to the screen and clicked on the track, his mouse poised over the record button as he waited for Lonny to get ready.

The guitarist grinned and nodded excitedly before he grabbed one of the many guitars hanging on the wall and plugged it into the amp that was hooked up to the recording software.

"So straight forward and then try and melt your face off?" Lonny asked as he checked to see if the guitar was in the correct tuning for the song.

"Hell yeah, man." Jake laughed.

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