Unless You Want To Take Your Own Advice

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Lonny sat on the couch with his laptop open on the coffee table, smiling in anticipation as he waited for his parents to answer the Skype call.

He wasn't able to fly home for mother's day so this was the best he could do and he ordered her some flowers and a necklace to be delivered to his childhood home for his mom since he couldn't be there to give them to her himself.

Small dots bounced across the screen as he waited until finally it changed to his mom and dad.

"Hey guys!" Lonny said excitedly, waving at the camera.

"Hi Lonny!" His mom said with a grin, his dad echoing the sentiment and waved.

"Happy mother's day, mom! Did you get the flowers and stuff I sent?" Lonny asked, not wanting to mention the necklace unless he was sure she already knew what it was.

"I did! The necklace is beautiful, I love it." She said, moving her shirt a bit to show him the piece of jewelry that she was already wearing.

"Good, I'm glad you like it." Lonny said with a smile. He loved getting people gifts, especially his family.

He had been extremely homesick for the past few weeks, well more like since the moment he stepped off the plane at LAX, but being on facetime with his parents in that moment made it so much worse.

"So you have any plans for today?" The guitarist asked instead.

"We're going to dinner with your brother and sister and then maybe a movie, Louise hasn't decided yet." Donny said, giving his wife a pointed look while she scoffed and gently swatted at his arm.

"I don't know what's out right now." She defended.

Lonny shook his head and smiled at his parent's playful bickering, he really hoped he'd be able to have a relationship like that one day.

The bedroom door suddenly opened and Andy stepped out of it, glancing at the younger man with a questioning look as he eyed the laptop.

"Oh is that your roommate?" Louise asked when she heard the door open.

"Uh yeah it is, I think he's getting ready to take a shower though." Lonny said, looking at the stack of clothes in the older man's arms.

"Well introduce us, don't be rude!" Donny exclaimed with a soft laugh.

The guitarist could feel his face burning with embarrassment as he turned to look at Andy, but to his surprise he was already walking around to the back of the couch to stand behind him so he was on camera and bent down, his head hovering over Lonny's shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Andy. Nice to meet you both." The model greeted with a charming smile.

Lonny's face felt like it was on fire from having the other man so close, close enough to be able to smell the cologne he had put on the day before and his own natural musk that should not be as appealing to the guitarist as it was and frankly, if his parents weren't right there, he would jump out the window.

"Its nice to meet you too, Andy. I'm Louise and this is Donny, Lon Lon has told us all about you." His mom said with a genuine smile.

Lonny wanted to die.

Andy's smile widened at the pet name.
'Definitely using that to piss him off.' He thought to himself. Clearly Lonny hasn't told his parents everything about him because they seem genuinely happy to meet him and he doubted the guitarist had any nice things to say about him.

"All good, I hope." He joked and by the way the older couple laughed, he knew Lonny was sugar coating things, probably so his parents wouldn't be concerned.

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