Pirate Andy Was a Lewk

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Fashion week came and went and Andy was completely drained. After days of photoshoots, runways, getting his makeup and hair done over and over, he was exhausted. His skin felt raw and was still broke out in areas due to the makeup artist using the same brushes on thirty different people, his hair felt stripped and dry from all the hair products and hot tools and his stomach was still in painful knots from all the stress.

The model has spent the past two weeks at home, only leaving his house when neccessary and refusing to wear anything that wasn't baggy and old. Surprisingly, he hasn't shaved either; Andy had a baby face and had never been able to grow a lot of facial hair, but during this sabbatical, he actually managed to grow some semblance of a goatee/beard thing.

Olivia liked it; said he looked like one of those French models and Jinxx said he looked distinguished, but of course, Jake and Lonny made up for all the kindness tenfold with all the roasting.

Andy stood under the hot spray of the shower, lathering shampoo into his hair as he hummed an old misfits song to himself with his eyes closed. Suddenly the curtains opened and a hand touched his shoulder, making him jump and turn only to see Olivia.

"I'm doing a chemistry test today, so I'm gonna head back to my place to get ready." She said, eyeing his nude body appreciatively.

"You got a callback for that Amazon show?" He asked, leaning back under the spray to rinse off the suds in his hair.

"I did." Olivia replied happily.

Andy reached out and cupped her face to pull her in for a short but sweet kiss. "Knock 'em dead, babe." He grinned.

Olivia pulled away, but slapped his ass before she left the bathroom quickly, laughing as he yelped and cursed at her.

"What did you do?" Lonny asked with a chuckle as he watched the actress skip down the hall after hearing Andy curse.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Eagleton." She said with an eyeroll before she snatched up her purse and headed towards the door, bumping her hip against Lonny's as she passed him. "I'll see you later."

"Bye, Livvie." He grinned, noticing the way Olivia's nose scrunched up adorably at the pet name before she left, closing the front door behind her.

Lonny stood in the living room for a bit, sipping on his coffee as he enjoyed the morning sunrise. He heard the water shut off and the bathroom door open, but didn't hear any footsteps, after a few moments he turned around and walked down the hall to peek inside their shared bathroom to see what the older man was doing.

Andy was standing in front of the mirror in a pair of red sweatpants that hung low on his hips, his hand brushing over the corse hairs that stippled over his lips and across his chin. Lonny teased the older man about the facial hair(or lack thereof) quite a bit, but honestly it suited him.

"Ahoy, matey." Lonny said in an exaggerated pirate accent as his eyes flickered over the expanse of bare skin that covered the wirery muscles of his back, a small tattoo across his shoulder blade catching his eye.

'Guns are for soldiers.' Interesting.

Andy rolled his eyes and met the guitarist's gaze through the mirror. "Canadian Thanksgiving is stupid and unnecessary." He said.

Lonny snorted and shook his head. He noticed a beard trimmer and razor sitting on the counter next to him. "You shaving it finally?" He asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Yeah, it was fine for a while, but now I can't stand it." Andy replied, straightening up as he examined his reflection thoughtfully, grimacing at the pimple that had popped up in the same place he always broke out when he got stressed.

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