A Great Dane With Noodle Legs and Other Plotpoints

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Lonny woke up to a bright light shining through his eyelids, the morning sun glaring through the window and onto his face.

Groaning, the guitarist rolled over and pulled his pillow over his face to block the unwanted light source. He wasn't what you would call a morning person.

He tried to go back to sleep but to no avail so with a huff he tossed the pillow aside and sat up, glaring at the curtains he left open the night before before he finally got up and stumbled into the kitchen for some much needed caffeine.

Lonny grabbed the coffee grounds and a filter, putting it into the percolator and filled it up wit water before he turned it on, listening to it bunnle to life as he walked into the living room and sat on the couch to check his emails to see if he'd had any responses for roommate applications.

The guitarist's eyes widened when he saw how many he had received, he scrolled through what seemed like a never ending list of people wanting to move in with him. People really were desperate to get a roommate in this town.

He skimmed a few and pinned them to look at later, since they appeared to be good options upon first glance and would check back on them later when he was more awake.

The coffee maker buzzed and Lonny stood up to pour himself a cup, he hoped he would make the right decision, but right now he needed to get ready to go into the studio to track for some sort of commercial jingle.

It wasn't exactly the type of thing he wanted to do and it wasn't creatively fulfilling, but it was a paycheck and that was more than enough for the guitarist.


"Annie!" A voice squealed.

Andy felt a weight on his chest and opened his eyes to see Lennon sitting on top of him with a bright smile on his chubby little face and Jinxx standing over them with an identical smile.

"Hi bud!" Andy rasped, his voice sounding especially gravelly do to having just woke up.

Lennon flopped down and buried his face in the model's chest, babbling incessantly as he tugged at Andy's T-shirt.

Jinxx laughed and pulled the child off of the younger man, sitting him on his hip and bounced him gently.

"Thought you might be more agreeable if he woke you up instead of me or Jake." He teased, stepping back to give the model room to stand up and then walked into the kitchen, sitting the baby into the high chair and walked over to the refrigerator to get his breakfast.

"Morning kid, coffee's in the pot." Jake said with as smile, waving a spatula at Andy as he waited for the pancakes to cook.

"Morning." Andy greeted, dropping a kiss to the top of Lennon's head as he passed by and went over to the cupboard over the sink to get a mug and poured himself a cup of coffee.

He leaned up against the counter and watched as his temporary roommate made breakfast. He's known Jake for a long time, nowhere near as long as he's known Jinxx, but still, they've been friends for nearly all of his adult life.

Jake was a sound engineer and Jinxx worked for the Los Angeles symphony, they had met when a musician Jake was working with decided he needed an entire symphony for a song and they had to talk him down to a few select musicians, Jinxx included. The moment the two met, they were instantly best friends.

"So how's apartment hunting going?" Jinxx asked as he poured some cheerios into a small bowl with a sliced banana and some strawberries for Lennon to eat.

"I've emailed a few potential places, right now I'm just waiting for one of them to get back to me." Andy replied, smiling gratefully at Jake as he handed him a plate of pancakes and moved to sit at the table with Jinxx and Lennon.

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