Liv is Tired of Their Bullshit tbh

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I know I literally just did an Andy photo, but this is the shoot I'm describing in the chapter so visual reference to the handful of people who somehow hasn't seen this glorious photo.

Olivia sat in the passenger seat of her managers car, watching as other vehicles flew by them on the highway. She had a callback for the Amazon prime show and apparently it was looking really good since Jason insisted on taking her.

She hasn't stayed the night at Andy's place in a week and she missed being over there, obviously she liked it when Andy stayed the night at her apartment, but there was just something about his apartment that seemed...right? That was the only way Olivia knew how to explain it.

She loved waking up to Andy next to her, watching movies with the boys, cooking with Lonny. Olivia enjoyed all the little things.

After the model's seemingly out of the blue overnight stay with Jake and Jinxx, he had been acting odd, not distant per say, Olivia could just tell that something was bothering him and she had no idea what.

Jinxx had asked him to come by to talk and ever since then, Andy's been off. She had asked him about it, but he just brushed it off and said it was nothing, that Jinxx wanted to know how things with him and Lonny were going.

That was another thing. Olivia had no idea how it happened, but one minute they absolutely despised each other and the next, they were friends?(granted, they still bickered constantly, but now it was good natured teasing)

Something changed, ever since the parent trap style dinner Jake and Jinxx set up, they somehow worked things out; how? Olivia was still in the dark on that one, all she knew was it was some sort of 'miscommunication' between the model and the guitarist, but it was all better now.

Lonny... that was another thing that made everything so confusing and complicated. They had hit it off almost instantly when they first met. He was so positive, kind and funny; she had never met someone who was  the absolute embodiment of sunshine and light.

The more she spent time with him the more she noticed other things about him; his eyes were a deep, damn near obsidian color that shined like honey in the light, his smiles ranged from shy and soft to wide and charming, his high cheekbones and jawline accentuated by his carefully styled hair that puffed up at the top.

He was fit too, not jacked or anything, but he clearly worked out. His arms were toned and his t shirts tended to cling to his chest.

Olivia was attracted to him. She had been for a bit, but she always brushed it off as her not being blind, but the more time she spent at his and Andy's apartment-... maybe it was best that she didn't stay there often.

She felt so guilty about it too, it wasn't like she lost feelings for Andy, if anything, she loved him more than she ever has! Olivia felt like he was the person she would spend the rest of her life with, but there was something about Lonny that made her feel so comfortable and at home, it was the same way she had felt around Andy when they first met. That's what scared her.

"Olivia!" The actress jumped and turned to look at her manager. "Did you hear a single word I said?" He asked in exasperation.

"Of course I did." She said even though she had no idea he had even been talking to her.

"What did I say?" Jason asked with a raised brow, seeing right through her bull shit.

"You were talking about the final reading today." She said confidently.

"I asked if you wanted lunch but since you've mentioned that, I really think you have this part in the bag." Jason said with an eyeroll as he pulled off onto the exit that lead to the office space they were going to that held the auditions.

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