What's in The Box?

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Lonny ran his finger over the edge of his steaming mug as he waited for it to cool a bit, glancing around the small coffee shop as he waited for his parents. He wanted to pick them up at the airport, but they had decided to do a road trip through the states and make their way to California, they got to their hotel room late the night before and suggested they go for coffee at the cafe on the same street as his building.

The guitarist flexed the fingers on his other hand experimentally, he got his cast off that morning and he was relieved to say the very least, finally being able to function like a normal human being.

The doctor had warned him to build his way up to playing again and start out slow. As much as he wanted to jump in head first, he didn't want to end up causing more harm than good.

The bell above the entrance door to signal a customer had entered rang softly, making Lonny glance up and grin at the sight of his mother and father.

"Hi mom, hi dad!" Lonny greeted warmly as he stood up, opening his arms to pull his parents into a tight hug.

First his mom embraced him, wrapping one arm around his waist and the other around his neck as she pulled him down to her level before she released him to allow Donny to give him a warm hug, ruffling his hair affectionately before he stepped away and sat down at the table Lonny had been seated at when they entered.

"So how was your trip?" The guitarist asked, sipping his vanilla latte.

"It was wonderful! America has some beautiful sights! We'll have to show you all the pictures when we get to your apartment." Louise said excitedly as her husband glanced over the menu to pick out their drinks.

"That sounds great, mom! I can't wait to see all of them." Lonny replied with a grin, he had missed them so dearly.

"How's your hand?" Donny asked, looking up from the laminated cardstock.

"Got my cast off today." Lonny said, wiggling the fingers of his right hand at them for visual reference.

"Oh that's good, I was so worried when you told us what happened." His mom said with a frown as she reached out and took his hand to seemingly examine it.

"You guys know what you want?" Lonny asked, standing up to go over to the counter to place their order for them.

Donny pointed on the menu what he and Louise wanted and the guitarist turned to stand in the short line to wait his turn until he finally reached the front and informed the teenage boy behind the register his order.

"We'll bring it to your table when it's done." He said, his voice cracking slightly.

Lonny smiled and nodded before he turned around and headed back to his parents.
His mom looked up at him, a mischievous grin on her face as his dad struggled to stop laughing when he returned.

"What?" The guitarist groaned playfully, though he was a bit worried as to what they were talking about when he was gone.

"Nothing, honey." Louise giggled with a wave of her hand.

"Is your roommate gonna be there when we come over?" Donny asked at the same time, snorting when his son rolled his eyes.

"Of course that's what it is." He muttered under his breath. "I don't know, he's been busy all week with all that model stuff, I think fashion week is coming up too, so he's probably not." Lonny replied wearily, shaking his head as his mom sighed dramatically in disappointment.

"Well hopefully we'll get to meet him in person soon, he seems very sweet." Louise said, looking up when a young woman brought their drinks over.

"He sure does." Lonny whispered, barely veiling the sarcasm as he took another sip of his drink.

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