That's All, Folks!

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Lonny's face scrunched up as light shone through his eyelids and groaned in annoyance as he rolled over.

He reached out and felt around the bed and frowned when he felt nothing, he reached out a little further and met a warm arm so he slid across the mattress and curled up against who he now realized was Olivia, refusing to open his eyes as he buried his face in her hair.

"Where's Andy?" He grumbled.

"Don't know." Olivia replied quietly, also fighting conciousness.

She flipped onto her side and pressed into Lonny's chest to avoid the sun shining through the window.

"You're warm." She mumbled, draping her arm across his waist.

"So are you." The guitarist whispered back, kissing the top of her head sweetly.

Olivia tilted her head up and kissed Lonny slowly, running a hand over the bare skin of his back. The guitarist slid his hand down to her thigh and pulled it up to his hip.

God, he loved kissing her, her lips were so soft and full. He flipped over onto his back and pulled her on top of him, running his hands over her ass as he slid his tongue into her mouth.

They both smiled into the kiss when they heard music coming from the kitchen.

"Hey little sister, what have you done
Hey little sister, who's the only one
Hey little sister, who's your superman
Hey little sister, who's the one you want
Hey little sister, shotgun." Lonny smiled as he heard the model's raspy voice float through the door as he quietly sang along to Billy Idol.

Lonny flipped Olivia onto her back again and stood up, kissing her softly on the forehead before he went into the kitchen, grinning as he watched his lover.

He was only wearing a pair of black boxer briefs, his flawless pale skin was only disturbed by the mass of tattoos, love bites and hickies, Lonny noticed faint red lines going down the length of his back and bit his lip at the memory of both himself and Olivia contributing to them.

"It's a nice day to start again
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again!" Andy sang as he made some waffles for breakfast, glancing at the coffee maker as he waited for it to finish.

He had woken up early and decided to make breakfast for himself and his boyfriend and girlfriend. He still couldn't believe he was able to call Lonny his boyfriend, the title still gave him butterflies even though they've had several days to fall into the now comfortable routine.

Andy jumped slightly when a pair of arms wrap around his waist. "Good morning, darling." Lonny whispered against Andy's neck.

The model smiled and turned his head to press his lips against Lonny's. "Hi, you want waffles?" He asked, bumping his nose against the younger man's.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Lonny replied, leaning down to trail kisses up and down Andy's long, inviting neck, sucking gently at the spots that either he or Olivia had left on the model the night before, though they were just as marked up.

Andy's eyes fluttered shut and he hummed, reaching up with one hand to card his fingers through Lonny's hair before he opened the waffle maker and took the now finished one out and sat it on the small stack on a plate next to him.

Lonny mouthed across Andy's bare shoulder, tracing his ribs with the tips of his fingers, sliding them down to his sharp hipbones that were also covered in hickies. No one could blame him though, Andy's hips were downright sinful.

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