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Olivia sat in her seat on the plane as she traveled back to LA, listening to music as she picked at her nails, anxiously waiting for the plane to land.

Andy was picking her up at the airport and she was ecstatic to see him after a week of being away. After the talk she had with her mom, she felt better about things with their relationship, Andy would talk to her about whatever was going on with his family when he was ready, no sooner, no later.

"Good afternoon, we will be landing soon so please fasten your seatbelts and return your seats back to their upright position." A flight attendant said over the speaker.

Olivia moved her seat up and buckled the seatbelt, waiting impatiently to land. Usually she would got really depressed when she had to leave her family, but currently all she wanted to do was be in Andy's arms.

The flight landed and the actress unfastened her seatbelt and stood up, pulling her bag out of the overhead storage and walked towards the exist with a smile on her face.

She was still dealing with some pain, but it was nowhere near as difficult as it was a few days ago so that made travel easier. Olivia didn't like to talk about her diagnosis because she didn't want people to think she was wanting attention or was being dramatic, of course Olivia's family and close friends knew and obviously Andy knew, but she still didn't want to talk about it publicly.

She walked through the giant doors and into the terminal, looking around to try and spot her boyfriend, he definitely stood out due to his tall stature, tattoos and sharp features.

As she looked around she saw him standing next to the baggage claim with his phone in hand and suddenly her own phone buzzed.

'At the baggage claim, baby.' He texted and Olivia smiled, instead of replying she moved around until his back was facing her and walked up behind him. She got up on her tiptoes and used the hand not holding her duffel to cover Andy's eyes from behind.

"Guess who?" She giggled.

Andy startled slightly when a hand blocked his vision, but a familiar voice and soft fragrance of perfume that he bought told him exactly who it was.

The model turned on his heel and pulled Olivia into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around her waist and buried his face in her hair.

Olivia nuzzled into his chest and sighed as he held her. "I missed you." She mumbled against his shirt.

"I missed you too, baby." He replied as he pulled back, leaning down slightly to give her a soft kiss.

"Do you want to go back to my place since it's closer or drop your bags off at yours?" Andy asked as he pulled away.

"Can we go to yours?" Olivia asked, stretching up to kiss him again before she stepped back to look for her bags.

"Yeah, that's fine." He nodded, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they waited for her purple luggage to appear on the conveyor belt.

"Did you have a good time with your family?" Andy asked as he snatched one of the bags from the conveyor and let her grab the other.

"I did, I started so my endo was acting up, but it was great, I'm glad I got to see my mom and spend time with her and everyone else." Olivia replied as they walked towards the exit.

Andy's face fell into a look of concern when she said this. "I'm sorry, Liv. Are you feeling better?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her with the one not pulling the roller bag.

"I am, it was a shorter period thankfully so I got over it pretty quickly." She said with a smile, touched by her boyfriend's concern.

"That's good... tell you what. When we get home, I'll make you feel even better." He promised with a grin, the suggestion obvious in his flirtatious tone as he put her bags into the back of his car.

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